Rebirth doctor woman has space

Chapter 1385 Battle against the God of Plague 35

Chapter 1385 War against the God of Plague 35 (end of tenth update)

The poison of the Shennong Ruler entered the body of the God of Plague, instantly spreading the limbs and bones of the God of Plague.

The God of Plague wailed in pain, and Jiang Hao stepped back quickly, watching the God of Plague who had turned into a war tiger howling in pain, could there be a roar of a tiger, but from time to time it turned into a cry of pain from the God of Plague.

Although the God of Plague is covered with viruses all over his body, he is also a human being who became a demon god through cultivation, and he also has a certain fear of other poisons in his body.

However, Shennong's ruler is highly poisonous. Shennong was tempered with all the poisons in ancient times. It is extremely poisonous and cannot be resisted by the plague god.

Originally, Jiang Hao did not release the poison of the Shennong Ruler because the whole body of the God of Plague was as hard as iron, and the toxin could not enter at all. Now that he saw the God of Plague was wounded by him, he sent the toxin into that wound Among them, the toxin was carried all over the plague god's body through the blood flow.

Qin Xue put away the fuxiqin, flew to Jiang Hao's side, looked at the plague god who was howling in pain, and shook her head slightly, "Take the other way to treat the other body."

The plague god used his poison to harm mortals. He never thought about his own fate, and he would be poisoned to death.

Jiang Hao patted Qin Xue's head with his hands, and said, "This is his own sin, let him bear it himself, use poison to harm others, now, use poison to pay him back, this is also his retribution Let him taste the pain of being poisoned first, and let him understand how much pain the mortals who have been harmed by him have endured before leaving this world!"

Thinking about the past and now, Jiang Hao is really glad that he has a good teacher who taught him what is good and what is evil, and now he has a good wife and a good family.

Qin Xue nodded, leaning against Jiang Hao's arms, with a smile on her lips, "So, no matter whether it's a human or a god, you can't do bad things, God is watching!"

Heaven has its own justice, and no one can escape the jurisdiction of the law of heaven. Whether they do good deeds or do bad deeds, they all have their own way back.

Jiang Hao pinched Qin Xue's tender cheeks, and said, "Everything we do is good, so we can save ourselves from danger every time!"

Qin Xue raised her eyes to look at Jiang Hao, nodded slightly, her eyes were full of happiness, "Yes."

Jiang Hao put his arm around Qin Xue's shoulders and looked at the God of Plague, sighing, "When the God of Plague dies, everything should be settled, and we can live our own lives!"

Now, people all over the world are watching the movement of God of Plague, watching his painful wailing, how shrill his voice is, and the bloodstains on his body because of his painful scratching, black blood flowed out, covering his whole body All blackened.

Jiang Hao took a step forward, looking at the God of Plague with his hands behind his back, "God of Plague, do you know your mistake?"

"Hmph, do you know what's wrong? Old... What's wrong with me!" The God of Plague still snorted coldly, and his words were somewhat incomplete.

"God of Plague, you still don't know how to repent of what happened to you. You are really stubborn. Today, I will do justice for the heavens, except for you, a heinous devil!" Jiang Hao pointed at the God of Plague, with a shocking submissive tone in his tone, not to be tolerated. Doubt.

The God of Plague laughed wildly, gritted his teeth, and roared angrily, "Jiang Hao, so what if you kill me, I'm not afraid, but the only regret is that I can't kill you two bastards!"

Finally finished!
(End of this chapter)

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