1395 The Finale 10
When the Heavenly Emperor sitting on the dragon chair heard Jiang Qingyao's meeting with him, you were stunned for the first time, then you smiled and waved, "Get up!"

"Thank you Heavenly Emperor!" Both Jiang Hao and Qin Xue breathed a sigh of relief, at least from the tone of Heavenly Emperor's words, he did not blame Jiang Qingyao for his recklessness.

Jiang Qingyao jumped up from the ground, blinked her cute and watery eyes, and looked at the gods standing on both sides of Lingxiao Palace, all of them were handsome, mighty and beautiful.

"Brother, these brothers and sisters are so beautiful!" Jiang Qingyao took Jiang Xingyu's little hand and said excitedly, "And that brother is so handsome, he has three eyes, so handsome and cool, even cooler than Dad Hey, this uncle of Natta looks good in that clothes and looks handsome. Why is there fire under his feet? Doesn’t it hurt? Do you want to put out the fire? Brother, and that old man has white hair all over his head Xu, the whole body is white, and it looks good..."

It can only be said that children's thinking is a little different, and they are quite courageous in unknown situations. Therefore, all the gods in the Lingxiao Palace were all called handsome and beautiful by Jiang Qingyao's fairy face I am even happier.

Jiang Hao and Qin Xue had the urge to cover their faces and run away. Their daughter was so real, and they had nothing to say.

Qin Xue hurriedly pulled Jiang Qingyao, who wanted to roll the roll one by one, and said softly, "Yaoyao, stop talking."

Jiang Qingyao was held back by Qin Xue, she flattened her small mouth a little unhappy, and obediently hid behind Jiang Xingyu and did not speak.

The Heavenly Emperor looked at Jiang Qingyao's cute little appearance, and said with a smile, "It's been a long time since the Heavenly Court has been this lively, Qin Xue, Jiang Hao!"

"The minister is here!" Qin Xue and Jiang Hao answered when they heard the Emperor calling their names.

"The two of you have helped the world and saved people. You have become famous as Chinese medicine practitioners. You have made immeasurable merits in rescuing the mortals who were persecuted by the plague. Afterwards, you killed the chief culprit, the God of Plague. Your contributions are indispensable." The public morality said one by one.

"Thank you for the praise from heaven and earth, this is what the husband and wife should do!" Jiang Hao said humbly.

"Becoming a fairy is the ultimate dream of many mortals. Immortals live forever, but it also means that their duties will never end. You should never slack off and perform your duties well!" the Emperor of Heaven said in a solemn tone.

Jiang Hao hurriedly cupped his fists and said, "Emperor of Heaven, I have a request!"

"Oh? What request?" The Heavenly Emperor was slightly stunned and asked in doubt.

"This is the Emperor of Heaven. The development of Huaxia Kingdom is not very stable now, especially in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. We are soaring this time, and we have not yet completed our own goals. Chinese medicine has not yet fully and truly stepped out of Huaxia Kingdom, so , I would like to implore the Heavenly Emperor to allow us to return to the human world!" Jiang Hao said respectfully.

The Yellow Emperor nodded, and nodded to the Emperor of Heaven, "Emperor of Heaven, Jiang Hao once went to the Heavenly Court, but because his mortal fate is not over, and I also entrusted him with this matter, I hope he can complete it on my behalf."

"Yes, Heavenly Emperor, we all have seen the current situation in the mortal world. The Huaxia Kingdom was hit hard not long ago. It was also the place where our immortal families practiced. We were all born on that land. Our land will be trampled by other races!" Shen Nong also said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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