1397 The Finale 12
The Heavenly Emperor flicked his sleeves and said, "Jiang Hao, Qin Xue listen!"

"The minister is here!" Jiang Hao knelt down on one knee, fisted with both hands, and Qin Xue put his hands on his belly and bowed.

Seeing that Qin Xue and Jiang Hao's request was approved, God Nuwa was also very happy.

If Qin Xue and Jiang Hao really go to the mortal world, it will be very difficult to come to heaven. She really wants to see her daughter often. Granddaughter and grandson.

"I canonized Jiang Hao as the king and Qin Xue as the mother, and you two are the envoys! Dominate all the cultivators in the world!" The Heavenly Emperor glanced at Jiang Hao and Qin Xue, and said with a smile, "And give Penglai Xiandao , let the mortal immortals who can successfully cross the catastrophe go to Penglai Xiandao, and you will bring them to the heaven!"

"Thank God!" Both Jiang Hao and Qin Xue had satisfied smiles on their faces.

This priesthood is completely in line with their wishes. It doesn't matter to them to rule over the cultivators who do not rule over the mortal world, as long as they can come and go between the immortal and mortal realms.

"Stay flat!" The Heavenly Emperor waved his hand, and two shining gold medals appeared in his hands, flying towards Qin Xue and Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao and Qin Xue took the gold medal with both hands, and the Emperor of Heaven explained, "This is the gold medal leading to heaven, and you can use this gold medal to travel between heaven and mortal realms in the future!"

"Thank you for the great love of the Emperor of Heaven! I will definitely live up to the great love of the Emperor of Heaven!" Qin Xue and Jiang Hao said in unison.

After meeting the Heavenly Emperor, all the immortals congratulated Qin Xue and Jiang Hao.

However, Jiang Xingyu and Jiang Qingyao are the two little guys who everyone pays most attention to, especially Jiang Qingyao, because this little girl's mouth is too sweet, which makes all the immortals here very happy.

"Hello, sister and brother. My name is Jiang Qingyao. I am the baby of Dad and Mommy. You can call me Yaoyao!" Jiang Qingyao raised her head, showing her little canine teeth, and the little dimple around her mouth is even more cute.

Qin Xue and Jiang Hao saw that Jiang Qingyao was showing off her cuteness again to win the love of these immortals, this little ghost girl.

"What a cute little girl!"

"So cute, there has never been such a cute little girl in this heaven!"

All the fairies pinched Jiang Qingyao's chubby face and said.

God Nuwa smiled and glanced at his granddaughter who was so loved by the immortals, smiled, and said to Qin Xue, "Xue'er, when do you plan to go down? Mother hasn't seen you for a long time."

Qin Xue smiled and held the hand of God Nuwa, and said, "Mother, I will stay for a few more days, and I will stay by your side for the next few days to accompany you!"

"Okay." Goddess Nuwa nodded happily when she heard what Qin Xue said, "Mother really wants to know about your life in the world, so you must tell her about it!"

"En." Qin Xue nodded.

Jiang Hao said hesitantly, "Xue'er, then when we are in the Heavenly Court, we will live with our mother."

"How can you live with God Nuwa? You should come to my place!" Emperor Shennong deliberately found fault.

"Where do you live? Xue'er is the daughter of Nuwa and I, why should I live with you! I also have a lot to say to Xue'er!" God Fuxi said a little dissatisfied when he heard what Emperor Shennong said.

"Yes, Xue'er is my daughter, so of course she wants to live with me!" God Nuwa said as a matter of course, holding Qin Xue's hand tightly.

Emperor Shennong put his hands on his back, smiled as if it was a matter of course, "Hao'er is my apprentice, since Xue'er is married to my apprentice, of course she should live with me!"

"You!" The explanation to Emperor Shennong made Fuxi and Nuwa speechless and speechless.

Hee hee hee, everyone in Phuket Island is satisfied with the arrangement of the couple, if you can't rule the heavens, you can rule the mortal world, you should be satisfied!
There will be extras in this article, and I hope that my dear friends will continue to support it!

(End of this chapter)

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