1400 The Finale 15
Together, Qin Xue and Jiang Hao took Jiang Xingyu and Jiang Qingyao to find God Nuwa and God Fuxi.

In the gazebo in the garden, Goddess Nuwa and God Fuxi were tasting tea. When they saw Qin Xue's family coming, they all smiled.

"Xue'er is here, why don't you take a rest?" Goddess Nuwa smiled and pulled Qin Xue to sit beside her.

Qin Xue said with a smile, "I came so early because I have something to tell my parents."

"What's the matter?" God Fuxi asked suspiciously after hearing Qin Xue's words.

Jiang Hao coughed and said, "That's right, Xue'er and I plan to go down to earth today."

"So fast?" God Nuwa looked at Qin Xue reluctantly, held her hand, and asked, "Can't we stay for a few more days?"

Qin Xue shook her head with a smile, and said, "Mother, there has been one year in the sky, Hao and I have been in the sky for almost four days, and it has been four years in the mortal world. There are still many things for me to do in the mortal world, and , my mortal family is still waiting for me to go down, and my mother and Hao can come up at any time."

Jiang Hao nodded and said, "Yes, father, mother, the main task of me and Xue'er going down is to promote Chinese medicine. We have been here for so long, and everything we have done is just the beginning. It is difficult for us to continue to develop!"

Master Fuxi listened to Jiang Hao's words, and nodded in agreement, "Well, Hao'er is right, he is indeed going down!"

God Nuwa looked at Qin Xue reluctantly, and said with a sigh, "Since you have already made up your mind, it's not good for mother to stop you!"

Qin Xue looked at God Nuwa with a smile and said, "Mother, don't worry, my daughter will take care of herself, and she will definitely come to the sky more often in the future."

"Okay." Goddess Nuwa sighed, patted Qin Xue's head and said, "You child, you've only been with your mother for a few days and you're going down."

"There will be more opportunities in the future. When the children's tasks are completed, let them live in the sky for a few more days." God Fuxi said to God Nuwa.

Jiang Hao nodded and said, "Yes! Mother, Father, after we finish the task, I think the children will grow up, so you can let the children stay below, and Xue'er and I will come up to accompany you."

God Nu Wa shifted her gaze to Jiang Xingyu and Jiang Qingyao who were pointing at the fish in the river by the pavilion, smiled and nodded, "Okay! I'll listen to you."

After Qin Xue and Jiang Hao's tasks were completed, Jiang Xingyu and Jiang Qingyao must have grown up too, but because the time in the sky is different from the time in the mortal world, the two little guys, Jiang Xingyu, didn't grow up at all. It seemed like three days had passed.

"Then mother, let's go down." Qin Xue also said with some reluctance.

"Mother will see you off." Goddess Nuwa was silent for a moment, then said to Qin Xue.

Qin Xue glanced at Jiang Hao, nodded slightly, "Okay."

God Nuwa and God Fuxi sent Qin Xue and Jiang Hao's family to the gate of Nantianmen. God Nuwa took Qin Xue into his arms, hugged her tightly, and patted her on the shoulder, "Xue'er, take care of me!" take care!"

"Well, mother, I understand!" Qin Xue nodded with reddened eyes.

Jiang Xingyu and Jiang Qingyao took Jiang Hao's hand and waved to God Fuxi and God Nuwa, "Grandpa, grandma, goodbye!"

"Xiaoyu, Yaoyao, you guys need to come to the Heavenly Court more often in the future!" God Fuxi patted Jiang Xingyu and his little heads.


(End of this chapter)

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