1404 The Finale 19
I glanced at the business district of Shenglong District, and then looked at the farthest airport and the high-speed railway station. There are also a lot of passenger traffic on both sides, which shocked Qin Xue and Jiang Hao.

With their ability, they can clearly see that the planes that have fallen from high altitudes or are about to ascend to high altitudes are full of people, and there are no empty seats.

Because, the airport and the high-speed rail station are not only for Shenglong District, but also for Taize Lake. Taize Lake is a tourist area, and many tourists come here every day, especially foreign tourists.

"Xue'er, do you want to inform your parents, brother and sister-in-law? My brother is still in Taize Lake, let her come back here. We come back today. They must have missed you very much for so many years." Jiang Hao glanced at his home A smile appeared on the corner of the family's villa.

Elder Jiang and the elders of the Qin family are all in the villa one by one.

Qin Xue listened, nodded, and sent a voice transmission to Qin Yun, "Brother!"

Qin Yun, who was in a meeting, was halfway through his speech, feeling as if someone was calling him, and turned his head to look around in doubt.

"President Qin, what's the matter?" The secretary asked with concern after seeing Qin Yun's strange behavior.

Qin Yun shook his head slightly and said, "Nothing, let's continue!"

However, at this moment, Qin Xue's voice came into Qin Yun's mind again, "Brother, go home immediately!"

The document in Qin Yun's hand fell to the ground in an instant, and he looked at the front in disbelief, secretly shocked in his heart, could it really be Qin Xue's voice?real or fake?

"Xiaoxue? Is it Xiaoxue?" Qin Yun was in disbelief.

Everyone in the office looked at Qin Yun suspiciously, and then looked at each other with puzzled faces. Some didn't understand why Qin Yun said that?

Qin Yun quickly sent a voice transmission, "Xiaoxue, is that you?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Qin Xue's mouth in the air. Qin Yun had already received his voice transmission, "Well, brother, it's me!"

"Xiaoxue, have you descended to earth?" Qin Yun cried out in shock, with an expression of disbelief.

Originally thought that Qin Xue and Jiang Hao would never come down. After all, they heard Jiang Hao say that the gate of heaven has been closed to the mortal world, and it will be very difficult for the gods in the sky to come down. Therefore, the Qin family knows better. It will be very difficult for Xue and Jiang Hao to come down, and it will be even more difficult for them to meet them, unless they themselves ascend to immortality.

Therefore, after these few years, the desire for Qin Xue and Jiang Hao to go down to earth has completely disappeared.

But I didn't expect to hear Qin Xue's voice today, is it true?He couldn't believe it anymore.

Qin Xue nodded, and said via voice transmission, "Yes! So you go home quickly, I want to tell you the good news!"

"Great, you wait, I'll go home right away!" Qin Yun didn't care whether he was still in the meeting or not, and ran out of the meeting room. He was so excited that he could finally see his baby sister, um, and himself baby niece nephew.

"President Qin, where are you going? The meeting is still going on!" Seeing Qin Yun leave the meeting room, Qin Yun's secretary hurriedly yelled.

Qin Yun paused slightly, waved his hand at the secretary, and said, "The meeting is suspended, today, no, I won't be here for the next few days!"

Although the company's affairs are important, they are far less important than the good news from Qin Xue and Jiang Hao, and not as important as seeing his baby sister's family.

(End of this chapter)

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