1407 The Finale 22
"Then...then you can stay in the world forever?" Qin Yun suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked Qin Xue and Jiang Hao.

Qin Xue nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes! From now on, Hao and I can stay in the human world forever, but we still need to go to Heaven frequently."

Excitement was revealed on everyone's faces, they never expected that Qin Xue and Jiang Hao could really stay in the world.

"Hao'er, didn't you say that you can't descend to the mortal world casually? Why did you so easily descend to the mortal world?" Mr. Jiang still felt that something was wrong and asked suspiciously.

"Yes, yes!" Everyone nodded and looked at Qin Xue and Jiang Hao with doubts and curiosity.

Jiang Hao coughed and said, "Actually, it's like this..."

Therefore, Jiang Hao told Elder Jiang and everyone in the Qin family the reason why he and Qin Xue descended to the mortal world.

However, when explaining Qin Xue's identity, Mr. Jiang and the others were shocked.

"What? Xiaoxue was the daughter of God Nuwa and God Fuxi in her previous life?"

"Hao'er, you...were you a direct disciple of Emperor Shennong in your previous life?"

"This...how is this possible! What's going on?"

"Really? Xiaohao, you are not lying to us, are you?"

Everyone stared at Qin Xue and Jiang Hao with disbelief.

Now they all know the existence of gods, so of course they also believe in ghosts, ghosts, and ghosts. There must be ghosts, so now that Jiang Hao and Qin Xue said that they had past lives, they must believe it.

However, now that Qin Xue and Jiang Hao mentioned their identities in their previous lives, one was the daughter of Nuwa and Fuxi, and the other was a direct disciple of Emperor Shennong. How could this group of people not be shocked?
This news was far more shocking than when they knew that Qin Xue and Jiang Hao could cultivate, even more shocking than their ability to cultivate, and even more shocking than Qin Xue and Jiang Hao's ascension to immortality.

Although it is said to be from the previous life, it also represents how powerful the backing of Jiang Hao and Qin Xue is.

Qiu Qin'er covered her forehead, leaned against Qin Yun's head, and muttered to herself, "No, no, no, I...I'm going to faint!"

Qin Yun patted Qiu Qin'er on the shoulder, turned his head to look at Jiang Hao and Qin Xue, seeing the smile on Qin Xue's face, felt very bitter in his heart.

Unexpectedly, her younger sister would have such an identity. Remembering that Qin Xue said that she had accepted the inheritance of Nuwa and Fuxi, now she finally understands why her younger sister was able to do it. It turned out that she was their daughter in her previous life.

The human-headed snake body that Qin Xue showed last time was the powerful force in Qin Xue's blood that gave her the body of Nuwa. If it was because of Nuwa and Fuxi, how could Qin Xue become so What about strong?
The entire hall seemed very silent, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, then stopped talking and sighed.

Qin Xue leaned in Jiang Hao's arms, looked at the relatives in the hall with bitter and shocking expressions and smiled slightly, her family members were digesting what she and Jiang Hao said.

However, she believes that with their ability to accept and bear in their hearts, they should be able to recover soon.

Old Jiang coughed, as expected of an old man who has experienced countless ups and downs, looked at Qin Xue and Jiang Hao and asked, "Then you will live here from now on?"

(End of this chapter)

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