Rebirth doctor woman has space

Chapter 1419 The Rise of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2

Chapter 1419 The Rise of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2
As soon as the news about Qin Xue and Jiang Hao was announced, Chinese medicine doctors all over the country were excited again. Some were excited, some were happy, and of course some were frustrated and some were angry.

There are ancestral Chinese medicine practitioners, authentic Chinese medicine doctors and old Chinese medicine doctors all come to Shenglong District, even if they don't test Chinese medicine for themselves, it is a blessing to talk to Jiang Hao and Qin Xue who are gods.

On the second day after the news was announced, many TCM physicians from neighboring provinces and cities came. However, these people were all elderly, and the youngest was already in their 40s. Almost all of them were passed down from their ancestors. They also want to promote Chinese medicine but they can't do anything about it. This time, the two gods, Qin Xue and Jiang Hao, decided to rectify the Chinese medicine circle in China. Of course they fully support it.

And the disciples of all the old masters of traditional Chinese medicine, including Mr. Zhao, rushed to Shenglong District from all over the country one after another. They also listened to their teacher's instructions and went to take the exam, and their teacher also had to take the exam.

The results of all candidates' examinations will be published on the website of Huaxia Charity Foundation, and of course, the online forum of Shenglong College will also be published. These two websites will always record the TCM grade of each TCM doctor and the hospital they work in. The people of the whole country can supervise, as long as the doctor who has not been re-examined and obtained the qualification of Chinese medicine doctor is still attending the doctor in the Chinese medicine department of the hospital, then I am sorry, as long as he is discovered once, no matter whether it is the fake Chinese medicine doctor or the doctor's office. All hospitals will be dealt with seriously.

Because it is difficult to supervise by the health department alone, because there are also some moths in the health department, and the indulgence of the health department will prevent many patients from receiving proper treatment, which has serious consequences.

Moreover, once this matter is investigated, the local health department will also be punished to a certain extent, ranging from being dismissed from office to being imprisoned, without any room for maneuver.

The simplest TCM physician qualification examination, the first test is the examination of traditional Chinese medicine, all the candidates enter a closed room, blindfolded their eyes, and guess the traditional Chinese medicine in their hands by "smell", as long as all the answers are correct, Then you can continue to take the second test, which is to distinguish between genuine and fake Chinese medicine. If you can't even tell the real and fake Chinese medicine, you are not qualified to be a Chinese medicine practitioner.

Passing the traditional Chinese medicine examination is the next day's clinical assessment. Jiang Hao and Qin Xue will act as patients, let everyone make a pulse diagnosis by changing their own pulse, and then give their treatment plan, as long as Qin Xue and Jiang Hao Those who pass the plan represent the passing of the second exam, and the third round of exams, written exams.

The written test is for doctors who have passed the first two tests to take the test in the classroom, just like the general test. However, the invigilators this time are practitioners from the cultivation world. They are not at the test site, but they are at the entrance of the test room. These exams can be proctored through spiritual consciousness. Of course, there are monitors monitoring the exam room all around. As long as there is cheating, after the exam is over, their qualifications for the next exam will be directly obliterated. If they cannot take the exam within five years, their qualifications will also be canceled Information such as the name and the hospital where he worked was published on the online forums of Huaxia Charity Foundation and Sacred Dragon College.

Those who pass the written test will go to the fourth round of the exam, acupuncture and moxibustion. However, if you are not good at acupuncture and moxibustion but good at medicine, you can discuss with the examiner, and then give them some cases and ask them to give prescriptions to patients, as long as the score can reach 95 If the score is above, it means that they can get the qualification certificate of Chinese medicine doctor.

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(End of this chapter)

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