Rebirth doctor woman has space

Chapter 1421 The Rise of Traditional Chinese Medicine 4

Chapter 1421 The Rise of Traditional Chinese Medicine 4
Jiang Xingyu and Jiang Qingyao, two little fellows, bouncing around and holding hands came to Sacred Dragon Academy together. Looking at the bustling scene outside Sacred Dragon Academy, their little heads were raised, looking at the examinees, all of them were uncles and aunts, There are also elders at the level of grandparents.

Jiang Qingyao pulled a man around 50 years old, and asked in a childish voice, "Uncle! What are you doing?"

"Kids, this is not the place for you to stay, leave quickly, uncle is busy!" The middle-aged man pulled Jiang Qingyao away and grabbed the corner of his clothes, ignoring Jiang Qingyao.

Jiang Qingyao puffed out her small mouth, and gave the middle-aged man a hard look. She wanted to teach her a lesson, but was stopped by Jiang Xingyu, "Don't mess around! If Mommy finds out, you will be miserable!"

Jiang Qingyao looked at Jiang Xingyu unwillingly, and said aggrievedly, "My brother bullied Yaoyao, Yaoyao wants to tell Dad!"

Jiang Xingyu glanced at his sister angrily, and led Jiang Qingyao into the crowd, entering the second round of examination room.

"Hey, hey, what are you two brats doing here!" A middle-aged man dragged Jiang Xingyu and the others to the gate angrily.

Jiang Xingyu and Jiang Qingyao looked up and looked at the middle-aged man. Jiang Xingyu replied very politely, "Uncle, let's find Mommy and Dad!"

If it was normal, these people would definitely want to have fun with these two cute children, but now it is the examination of Chinese medicine, which is to face the assessment of the two great gods Jiang Hao and Qin Xue. Very nervous, "Your father and mother are not here, walk around, we still have exams, children, don't stay here!"

Jiang Xingyu and Jiang Qingyao looked at adults like them very dissatisfied, and said with contempt, "If you are so nervous even taking the exam, you will definitely not be able to pass it!"

"Stinky girl! What are you talking about!" What these masters of Chinese medicine care about the most is the test results this time, but Jiang Qingyao despises them and curses them for not being able to pass the test. Can this not make them angry?

"I didn't say anything, what I said was the truth, you are worse than my brother and I!" Jiang Qingyao said proudly, raising her chin with her hands on her hips.

"You have the guts to say it again!" The middle-aged man blushed suddenly, and glared at Jiang Qingyao and Jiang Xingyu angrily.

Jiang Xingyu stretched out his hand to embrace Jiang Qingyao behind him, and stood in front of her, with the posture of a good brother protecting his sister, and said coldly, "You are not allowed to bully my sister! If you want to challenge, I will accompany you!"

Jiang Qingyao stood behind Jiang Xingyu, grabbed his clothes with both hands, and looked at the middle-aged man very proudly, "Are you unwilling to accept my brother's challenge? It seems that you really can't pass the exam!"

"You... good, good!" The middle-aged man pointed to Jiang Xingyu and Jiang Qingyao, with an angry expression on his face, and said to the candidates who were about to enter the exam, "Everyone heard it, this is These two little guys came to the door by themselves, they have no respect for their elders, I didn't bully the younger with the big!"

All the candidates looked at each other and nodded slightly. Looking at Jiang Xingyu and Jiang Qingyao, two children who looked only one or two years old, they laughed in their hearts. , How capable a little kid can be.

At this time, everyone regarded Jiang Xingyu and Jiang Qingyao as playthings to relax everyone.

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(End of this chapter)

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