Rebirth doctor woman has space

Chapter 1429 The Rise of Fanwai Chinese Medicine 12

Chapter 1429 The Rise of Fanwai Chinese Medicine 12
For the entire summer vacation, Qin Xue and Jiang Hao examined tens of thousands of students, but only more than 2000 passed. This probability really makes Qin Xue and Jiang Hao very regretful, and this still includes Mr. Zhao and the others. .

With the abilities of Mr. Zhao and the others, they can already become a wise doctor. It will take a while for a ghost doctor. If they can master Qin Xue and Jiang Hao's teaching, they can become a ghost doctor.

During the continuous half-year assessment, many TCM physicians from all over the country came to take the test, but very few of them actually succeeded in the test, and the number barely exceeded [-]. All assigned.

This also made many of Qin Xue and Jiang Hao's plans unable to be implemented, which was a bit troublesome.

Qin Xue and Jiang Hao revisited those students who did not pass the exam, and planned to train and teach them. Many Chinese medicine practitioners did not have the medical skills of Chinese medicine, but because of the subtle influence of Western medicine, they used Chinese medicine less, especially The ability to feel the pulse.

In the end, Qin Xue and Jiang Hao decided to draw a part of TCM physicians from them, and combined with the calculation of the current number of TCM doctors in Huaxia National Hospital, at least one TCM doctor should be in every city and every hospital. This is the only good way to give them first. The qualification certificate for prospective Chinese medicine physicians, however, can only be valid for one year. After one year, the college's teaching assessment cannot be passed, so I can only say sorry.

Qin Xue and Jiang Hao felt that after one year, there should be more doctors. During this year, Qin Xue and Jiang Hao planned to bring more students and teach them in person.

Of course, it is necessary to select some graduate students of Chinese medicine from other schools. They already have a certain basic knowledge of Chinese medicine, and with their help, they can at least make some achievements after a year.

Every day, Qin Xue and Jiang Hao diagnose and treat patients in Shenglong Hospital, and each of them is followed by a dozen students.

These students were carefully selected by Qin Xue and Jiang Hao. Each student has the best talent and learning ability of Chinese medicine, and can learn Chinese medicine as soon as possible.

Jiang Qingyao followed Jiang Xingyu to the Holy Dragon Hospital, and they were already regular customers of the Holy Dragon Hospital and the Holy Dragon College.

Jiang Xingyu pulled Jiang Qingyao to the information desk, raised her head and asked, "Sister, where are my father and mother?"

"It turns out that the young master and miss are here. Dr. Jiang is on the fifth floor, and Dr. Qin is on the seventh floor. Where are you going?" Seeing Jiang Xingyu and the others, a nurse quickly smiled and explained.

Jiang Xingyu nodded politely, and said gratefully, "Thank you sister." Then he turned to look at Jiang Qingyao, "Sister, where are we going?"

"Well... Let's find Dad!" Jiang Qingyao said excitedly, pointing her chin with her little finger.

"En." Jiang Xingyu nodded, and took Jiang Qingyao to the elevator to the fifth floor.

Jiang Xingyu and Jiang Qingyao came to the fifth floor to look for Jiang Hao's traces. However, it was very easy to find them. The most lively place was where Jiang Hao was.

Jiang Qingyao shook off Jiang Xingyu's hand and shouted excitedly, "Dad! Dad!"

Jiang Hao, who was explaining to the graduate students behind him in the ward, was slightly taken aback when he heard the cry, and shook his head helplessly.

Jiang Qingyao ran to the door, exposed her little head, grinned at Jiang Hao, and called out childishly, "Dad!"

(End of this chapter)

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