Chapter 1443
Jiang Qingyao turned to look at the boy, and asked, "Sell what?"

Jiang Qingyao prefers to play and eat delicious food, so she is completely different from Jiang Xingyu, so she still doesn't understand how to sell it. If it was Jiang Xingyu, she would definitely understand. '

"Selling it means sending you to another place, far away from your parents. You will never see your parents again!" The boy explained kindly.

Jiang Qingyao pursed her lips and said, "Hmph, I don't want to go! I want to go out!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Qingyao immediately raised her little foot, and kicked hard on the only door of this room.

The boy shook his head helplessly. They had resisted for an unknown amount of time, but it was useless. The door was very strong, and children like them couldn't open it at all.

However, before the boy could stay in his mind for a long time, he saw that the only door made a creaking sound, and then fell out.

All of a sudden, all the children in the room looked at the door in a daze, was it kicked down like this?They have kicked them before, and they are not bad at all!
Jiang Qingyao snorted coldly, and raised her cute and clean chin, "Hmph, how dare you close my aunt!"

The person who was sitting and playing cards at the side of the door was taken aback by this sudden change, and looked at the door in disbelief, unable to regain his senses for a moment.

Jiang Qingyao waved her little hand to the group of people behind her, "Let's go!"

Since everyone is here, Jiang Qingyao will of course take these children away together. Seeing that they are crying like this, they must be bullied.

Those children glanced at each other, got up quickly, and went out with Jiang Qingyao. Although these children were afraid, they all wanted to go out, and only wanted to see their parents and return to them. The children, who had only one thought and thought, all ran towards Jiang Qingyao's back in one go.

Jiang Qingyao led a group of children out of the room, and saw two people sitting on the stool stupidly at the door.

Seeing Jiang Qingyao and the other children coming out of the room together, the two subconsciously wanted to yell, but how could Jiang Qingyao make them yell?
Jiang Qingyao disappeared in place with a flash, and reappeared at a height of half a meter in the air. She jumped up in the air, raised her small foot, and kicked the two people hard. face.

"Bump!" The two men were kicked by Jiang Qingyao, flew upside down, and hit the ground heavily.

The children who ran out with Jiang Qingyao all looked at Jiang Qingyao in mid-air with their mouths wide open and eyes wide open in disbelief. They felt that they were dreaming.

Jiang Qingyao fell to the ground slowly, walked slowly towards the two men, then jumped lightly again, her two feet stepped on the two men respectively, which made the two men cry out in pain .

Jiang Qingyao turned around and waved to the children, "Come here quickly! These people are good or bad, let's beat them together!"

Those children didn't have the thoughts of adults, and they were just surprised for a while. When Jiang Qingyao called them, they were called back to their senses, and immediately rushed over, using all the strength in their bodies to surround those two people and beat them hard. Then, the little feet kicked fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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