Chapter 1496
Jiang Xingyu let go of his hand, but he didn't take back the pressure on Huang Jianjia.

Huang Jianjia sat down on the ground, feeling cold sweat all over his body. Even if Jiang Xingyu's hand wasn't on his neck, he still looked out of breath.

Jiang Xingyu took a few breaths to calm down the anger in his heart, "Huang Jianjia, I warn you, if you dare to do something to my sister, I don't mind killing you! To me, killing you is like crushing an ant! "

"Okay, second child, let's not be angry, let's go to the classroom first, if we don't go to the classroom, it will be too late!" Xie Wen hurriedly dragged Jiang Xingyu to persuade him, for fear that Jiang Xingyu would kill Huang Jianjia.

Jiang Xingyu snorted coldly, glanced at Huang Jianjia, and was forcibly pulled away by Xie Wen and the others.

Huang Jianjia sat on the ground with a terrified expression, making everyone around who had been watching the show laugh.

Of course, quite a few people took photos with their mobile phones and planned to upload them to the academy's website forum.

Huang Jianjia didn't expect that Jiang Xingyu's ability was so strong, and his strikes were so ruthless.

Ruan Yu walked beside Jiang Xingyu and said, "Xingyu, why did you become enemies with him? His family is not simple!"

Jiang Xingyu sighed and said, "The one who pursues Zhuge Yun!"

"No wonder!" Ruan Yu nodded knowingly, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, brother, I will support you, just tell me if you need my help!"

"Yeah!" Jiang Xingyu nodded, but he didn't care.

But thinking about Huang Jianjia's threat just now, Jiang Xingyu quickly took out his cell phone and called Jiang Qingyao.

Jiang Qingyao was working with her classmates at this time and was waiting for the teacher in the classroom. She was puzzled when she received a call from Jiang Xingyu, "Hey, brother, why did you call me?"

"It's nothing, Yao'er, has anyone troubled you recently?" Jiang Xingyu asked with concern.

Jiang Qingyao thought for a while and said, "No, but last night I met a few gangsters, but I beat them all away! They want to take advantage of my aunt, they are looking for death!"

Hearing Jiang Qingyao's words, Jiang Xingyu's eyes flashed coldly. He knew very well that these little bastards did not appear by accident, it was Huang Jianjia who went to trouble Jiang Qingyao.

If it wasn't for Jiang Qingyao's special identity and ability, she might have been caught by Huang Jianjia long ago. Thinking of this, Jiang Xingyu's murderous aura kept emerging, scaring Xie Wen and the others to jump a step away, looking at Jiang Xingyu in fear.

"I see, you take good care of yourself. If anyone comes to trouble you again, you can kill them directly, and then find the people from the Dragon Team to settle it!" Jiang Xingyu reminded with a strong killing spirit.

Jiang Qingyao froze for a moment, and asked suspiciously, "Brother, did something happen?"

Jiang Qingyao, who was as smart as blue, immediately caught something, thinking that those gangsters were because of her brother.

"Now is not the time to explain to you. In short, you are right to listen to me!" For Jiang Xingyu, anyone who wanted to hurt Jiang Qingyao had to die.

"Okay, I see, brother, then you should also pay attention." Jiang Qingyao nodded and instructed.

"Well, you too!" After finishing speaking, Jiang Xingyu hung up the phone, with a cold gleam in his eyes.

Huang Jianjia, right?If you are tired of living and looking for death, then don't blame me.

(End of this chapter)

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