Chapter 1558
Just when Jiang Qingyao was angry, her body felt a strong suction.

Immediately, Jiang Qingyao's body flew into the air, followed by the opening of the main hall door, and her whole body flew in.

With a sound of "touch", the door of the main hall closed after Jiang Qingyao entered.

Jiang Qingyao only felt that the scenery in front of her eyes had changed, and her body fell into a warm but firm embrace. She subconsciously looked up and saw that it was Xie Feng's charming face.

"It's you bastard!" The first time Jiang Qingyao saw Xie Feng, she angrily raised the long sword in her hand, intending to attack Xie Feng.

However, Jiang Qingyao had just raised the long sword, and Xiefeng flicked her long sword with her finger. Jiang Qingyao only felt her hand tremble, and as soon as she let go, the long sword in her hand flew out.

Jiang Qingyao looked at the long sword that flew out, and with a "ping pong", she lay quietly a dozen meters away from her.

A smug smile appeared on the corner of Xiefeng's mouth, "Do you want to resist?"

Jiang Qingyao turned her head and stared at Xiefeng viciously, her eyes turned red unconsciously, "You bullied me!"

Xiefeng suddenly twitched, "No!"

"You have it!" Jiang Qingyao said domineeringly.

"Okay, tell me, why did this deity bully you?" Xiefeng raised his eyebrows and asked.

"You..." Jiang Qingyao's cheeks flushed suddenly. What happened before, she suddenly had the urge to kill this man.

Xiefeng frowned, and understood what the woman meant, and suddenly, for some reason, his confidence lost a lot.

He didn't do it on purpose. Who let this woman suddenly appear in his practice room, causing him to almost go mad. At that time, the devil energy in his body kept rushing around, and only by absorbing the pure yin of the woman could it be calmed down.

And at that time Jiang Qingyao happened to appear, so he directly gave this woman to Fa-rectification without even thinking about it. Of course, he didn't care about this woman's life or death at that time.

However, fortunately, Jiang Qingyao inherited the Chaos Body, so she would be fine, otherwise, he really didn't know how to explain it to Jiang Hao.

Thinking of this, Xiefeng unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Qingyao stared at Xie Feng fiercely, "No matter what, you are bullying me!"

"Okay, I bullied you!" Xiefeng nodded slightly and said, "Then what are you going to do?"

Jiang Qingyao gritted her teeth and said viciously, "Kill you!"

"Oh? Are you going to kill the deity? Do you think you can kill the deity with your weak cultivation?" Xiefeng raised his eyebrows confidently and said proudly.

Jiang Qingyao got angry again, opened her mouth, and bit Xiefeng's shoulder fiercely.

For a powerful Demon Lord like Xiefeng, of course, his physical strength is beyond the reach of ordinary people, even Jiang Qingyao is no exception.

Jiang Qingyao only heard a "crack" sound, and hurriedly covered her mouth with her hands in pain, "Woooooo..."

Seeing Jiang Qingyao's cute little appearance, Xie Feng burst into laughter. He has never been so happy before, not even after becoming the Supreme Lord of the Demon Realm.

With his unfathomable cultivation, can he fail to understand what this little girl is going to do?

He believed in his physical strength, that's why he didn't fight back and let Jiang Qingyao bite.

Sure enough, not only did Jiang Qingyao not bite him, but she knocked her own teeth. The wronged look made Xiefeng very happy.

Yaoyao's episode can definitely end on the [-]th!Then it's really over!

The new article "Poisonous Concubine Mighty: Leng Wang only favors his wife" has stronger women and stronger men + pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger + black-bellied cool article, if you like it, you can read it, and if you are short of books, you can also go!
(End of this chapter)

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