Rebirth doctor woman has space

Chapter 1600 Fanwai, this man is worth it

Chapter 1600 Fanwai, this man is worth it
Jiang Hao saw the attack of the Demon King outside the sky, and quickly shouted at Xiefeng, "Xiefeng, Yaoyao, be careful! Get out of the way!"

At this time, Xiefeng also felt a powerful energy approaching, and stopped comforting Jiang Qingyao, leading her to dodge to avoid it.

Xiefeng brought Jiang Qingyao to appear in mid-air, looked at Tianwai Demon Monarch opposite, with an angry cold light in his eyes, "Tianwai, you are fine, you have offended me!"

"Hmph, Xiefeng, today either you die or I die!" Tianwai Demon Lord said angrily with a ferocious look on his handsome face.

"Since you want to die, I don't mind letting you be wiped out!" Xie Feng was immediately annoyed, and attacked a burst of energy towards the Demon Lord.

The Lord of Heaven and Beyond sneered, and said mockingly, "Xiefeng, the last thing you should do is fall in love with a woman. With her here, you will definitely die today!"

Jiang Qingyao, who was in Xiefeng's arms, paused slightly, seeing Xiefeng's angry expression, and feeling the strength of Xiefeng's arms around her slender waist.

Jiang Qingyao knew that she was the one who implicated him. If it wasn't for him, how could Xiefeng not be able to defeat the Demon King of Heaven.

"Evil wind." Jiang Qingyao called out weakly, "Put me down!"

Xie Feng, who was glaring at the Demon Lord of the Outer World angrily, trembled when he heard Jiang Qingyao's words, looked down at her, and glared fiercely, "Shut up, you are not allowed to say such things in the future, you are my own woman , the deity should protect you! You have to trust me, you know? Girl, no matter what happens, I will protect you, really, I will not let you suffer a little harm, this is my promise to you, you Live and I live, you die, I... die..."

Xiefeng was very clear about how much he cared about Jiang Qingyao, if Jiang Qingyao died, his life would definitely be worse than death, if that was the case, then it would be better to die with her happily.

Anyway, he has lived for so many years, and he doesn't care anymore.

As long as he can be with his girl, he is willing to face any difficulties!

Jiang Qingyao blinked tears in her eyes, and looked at Xiefeng moved, did he really care about her so much?

He didn't even care about his own life, and wanted to live and die with her?Even if he was implicated by her, he didn't care!
Once, my mother also said that if there is a man who can give up his life for you and let you live, he is your choice in this life, he is your future, even if he lives and dies for him, he is happy.

The mother back then was also driven out of her wits because of her father's willingness to save her. If it wasn't for the help of Emperor Shennong, I am afraid they would not have existed.

How many times, these words of her mother echoed in her ears, but Jiang Qingyao never understood, nor could she feel this kind of emotion.

However, today she really realized that a man can die for her, is willing to die for her, and is willing to live and die with her. She doesn't like such a man, who does she like?

This man is worthy of her love!

Jiang Qingyao held Xiefeng tightly with both hands, and said in a hoarse voice, "Well, we are together in life and death, Xiefeng, if you live, I will marry you, I only want you to live, as long as you defeat the opponent in front of me." People, we will get married, and I am your man!"

Xiefeng's figure paused again, hearing Jiang Qingyao's unclear words, but he could still hear them clearly, never more clearly than this.

He heard that the girl is willing to marry him and be his woman!
(End of this chapter)

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