Rebirth doctor woman has space

Chapter 338 Evil has evil retribution 2

Chapter 338 Evil has evil retribution 2
Seeing her children, Tang Ning'er hurriedly stepped forward and asked softly, "Are you all alright?"

"Mom, it's okay." Qin Xue held her mother's hand with a smile and smiled comfortingly.

The anger just now has dissipated, because she has vented it on Qin Ye, and now she is very happy to see Qin Ye in such pain.

Tang Ning'er worriedly glanced at Qin Ye who was writhing on the ground hugging his right leg in pain, and asked, "What's going on? What happened?"

Qin Xue shrugged her shoulders innocently, and said loudly on purpose, "I don't know, we were talking well just now, but my cousin suddenly fell to the ground and cried out in pain, I thought my cousin was joking with us Woolen cloth!"

"How could it be so painful all of a sudden?" Qin Xiuyu looked at Qin Ye suspiciously, very puzzled.

The corner of Qin Xue's mouth twitched slightly, and she said, "Auntie, I don't know, we are all watching, I don't know why, if I didn't see my cousin in such pain and sweat, I really thought it was fake of it!"

The implication of Qin Xue's words was that Qin Ye was lying. In fact, his leg didn't hurt, and everything was pretended by him.

Qin Yun and the others also couldn't believe it, why did it happen when they were fine just now?
"What a fake, you are the fake!" Ding Huan yelled at Qin Xue angrily.

Qin Xue spread her hands and said innocently, "I'm not wrong, anyone would guess that way, and there are no genetic diseases in our family!"

Qin Xue's words were indeed not that uncomfortable for everyone to listen to. Indeed, under such circumstances, most people would think that he had a genetic disease, or that he himself had some kind of disease, but Qin Ye was in good health, so it was impossible for him to have it What disease, can only think of genetic disease.

Qin Xue looked at everyone's pensive eyes, then clapped her hands and said, "Ah, speaking of hereditary diseases, did they come from my aunt's house?"

When Jiang Hao heard it, he gave Qin Xue a thumbs up to express his praise, and couldn't help laughing while covering his stomach. Qin Xue's mouth was too poisonous, and he turned around and cursed that the whole family was sick.

"You...don't talk nonsense!" Ding Huan pointed at Qin Xue. In fact, she really thought about whether her family really had some genetic disease.

"I'm just guessing!" Qin Xue shrugged again, indicating that it had nothing to do with her.

Qin Yun saw that Qin Xue was getting excited about Ding Huan, and quickly said, "Okay, don't talk about it, let's send my cousin to the hospital first!"

"Yes, yes, I'm going to drive!" Anxious Qin Liwu hurriedly got up and went out to drive. Now he has to wait for the car to call 120. Why don't they drive to the hospital by themselves.

"Yes, go to the hospital first to see what's going on!" Zheng Hui nodded, looked at Qin Ye who was still rolling on the ground and screaming in pain, and shook his head.

Qin Kaixing leaned on a cane and said, "I'm going too, I'm going to see what's wrong with Xiaoye!"

"Grandpa, you'd better not go!" Qin Xue hurriedly stepped forward to stop her, "Grandpa, you are so old and you can't fit so many people in the car. Let's wait for the news at home first!"

Grandma nodded and said helplessly, "Okay, that's all we can do. It's troublesome for us to go. We'd better wait at home and see the situation in the hospital before we go!"

Qin Kaixing could only nod his head when he heard this, knowing that he was old and would cause trouble for them, so it was better not to go.

(End of this chapter)

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