Mr. Sheng works with a certificate

Chapter 110 Don't Trust That Person

Chapter 110 Don't Trust That Person
After knowing that Mo Ying believed what he said, Yu Feichi was really happy. He surrounded Mo Ying like a little butterfly, clinging to his side.

"Do you like him?" Yu Feichi leaned against Mo Ying, seemingly unintentionally probing, Mo Ying said the word "like" to Sheng Shaoan, he always cared, even though he knew that Mo Ying knew that Sheng Shaoan used her thing.

Mo Ying looked at Yu Feichi strangely, the word liking came out of Yu Feichi's mouth a lot today.But she still shook her head. On that day, she had already decided not to like anyone. How could she do such a sad thing.

Looking at Mo Ying's answer, Yu Feichi smiled even brighter. A rich and noble son who never smiles outside, now looks like a child who has received the best reward, and he is very happy.A Ying said that she didn't like that person, this is the A Ying he knew, no one could get into her heart, and she would not like anyone.

"Aying, why don't you go abroad early, and leave other things to me." Yu Feichi felt uncomfortable when he thought of the way Mo Ying and Sheng Shaoan got along, he didn't want them to be so close He doesn't want to look like that, even if it's being used, even if they have a one-year contract.

Mo Ying didn't reply to him, but the meaning was already obvious, she didn't intend to accept Yu Feichi's kindness.

"Why don't you go? Don't you want to go to France the most? Don't you want to see the top jewelry designs?" No one knows Mo Ying's love for jewelry better than him, and no one knows better than him. Just how good she is, as long as she wants, she can become the most outstanding person in any field.

"I will go." It's not whether she wants or doesn't want to, it's a plan that she will definitely complete, and she will go to that place.

Yu Feichi looked at the steadfast Mo Ying, and lost his mind. He felt that any expensive jewelry in the world was not as dazzling as the person in front of him. around.

The two stayed quietly for a while, and Mo Ying had to go back to school, waiting to go back with Sheng Shaoan.

Before Mo Ying left, Yu Feichi hugged her again.

"Remember, don't trust that person. The members of the Sheng family are not simple people. He wants to take over the Sheng family in an all-round way. Sheng Changping is his biggest opponent now. Sheng Changping has joined forces with Sheng Xiuhe. You are so smart, you must Will you take good care of yourself?" Yu Feichi once again warned her in Mo Ying's ear.

Mo Ying patted Yu Feichi as a response.

Mo Ying had read the information collected by Yu Feichi, but did not take it away. It was all about Sheng Shaoan's recent actions and what role he played in it. Why did Ouyang Hao humiliate him? On his own, Sheng Shao'an took advantage of how he used the problem to clean up the Ouyang family and forced Second Uncle Sheng out.

One after another, it is really wonderful.

So, Sheng Shaoan is a terrible person, he has never kept his face, but he has done everything that should be done.

Mo Ying didn't have any negative emotions because of Sheng Shaoan's use of her. From the beginning, he had actually spread his purpose in front of her, just because she believed in Mo, just because he needed a member of the Mo family, and She happened to meet these conditions, and he just found more use value for the latter ones.
Scumbag author!What about the pet article?This Tama is also a pet article!

Wo is really a pervert, I can't see anyone well _(:з」∠)_
(End of this chapter)

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