Chapter 125 Never Again

Mo Zhi, who has been provoked, is not so stupid that she can't tell the priority. Of course Mo Ying hates it, but now it is more important to meet Ouyang Hao and tell him that she already has his child and she wants to give birth to their child. .

"Xiaoqian, thank you, thank you for your willingness to help, I will never forget, as long as you open your mouth in the future, I will do my best to do it for you." Mo Zhi finally smiled through tears, she knew that Ouyang Qian was so kind , just ask her, and she will definitely help her.

Mo Ying didn't listen any more, turned around and left.

The private room was still lively, Mo Ying found where Zhang Ke was and walked over.

"It's getting late, I'm going back first, I don't want to make the people waiting outside wait longer. If Ouyang Qian asks, you can help me." Mo Ying said in Zhang Ke's ear.

Zhang Ke nodded to show that she heard it. Unlike them, Mo Ying is married and has a family. "Go, I will tell Ouyang Qian."

After saying hello, Mo Ying left.

She didn't lie, the new driver Sheng Shaoan assigned to her was waiting outside the door. Although Sheng Shaoan didn't set a gate control for her, it was still too shameful to go back later than Sheng Shaoan.

It's almost nine o'clock, it's a bit late for her, she has never had a nightlife, her life is boring, if there is nothing to do, she will go to bed on time.

When Mo Ying went out, she immediately saw the car that came to pick her up. The new driver in the car got off the moment she appeared.

"Mo Ying."

Someone called her from behind.

Mo Ying turned her head and saw Xiang Xingya trotting towards her.

"Is there something wrong?" Xiang Xingya has been avoiding her these days, not even daring to look at her, she didn't expect him to stop her.

Xiang Xingya smelled heavily of alcohol, but his eyes were no longer as blurred as before, and his clear eyes showed that he is now sober. He didn't come to Mo Ying to use the alcohol to play, he thought a lot, and these God, he thought more than he had thought in the first half of his life.

"Well, there is something I want to tell you. Is it convenient for you now?" Xiang Xingya also saw someone waiting not far away. He couldn't learn to embarrass others, let alone embarrass the person in front of him.

Mo Ying turned to look at the new driver, then nodded slightly, signaling to wait for her.

The new driver was very tactful. He just stood there without moving, but his eyes were fixed on him.

After finishing all this, Mo Ying said, "It's okay, just tell me."

Xiang Xingya didn't owe her anything. On the contrary, she actually admired him very much. Not everyone can live like him. Xiang is a little sun that shines at any time. Everything she doesn't have is concentrated on him. Like someone living on bipolar.

Xiang Xingya's eyes were a little sore, everything had changed now, but she was still the same, without any change at all.Time is really cruel, just a little bit passed, and it changed beyond recognition.

"I've caused you a lot of trouble these days. I'm sorry to trouble you." Xiang Xingya liked the man in front of him for two years. Although he didn't confess, he could see every move of the other party. He knew that this person didn't like excitement, she preferred a quiet library to a noisy crowd, she was very gentle, even if she didn't like it, she would finish it patiently, no matter to anyone.He doesn't hold grudges either, he always smiles and lets go, this person is the one he likes, and from now on it won't be anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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