Chapter 147

Mo Zhenhua was serious this time. After he went back, he prepared a divorce agreement and threw it in front of He Qiufeng. Then he left the house without hesitation, and threatened that he would never set foot in this place until He Qiufeng signed the divorce agreement. Home.

For several days in a row, He Qiufeng did not see Mo Zhenhua. Mo Zhenhua had already been kicked out of the Sheng family by Sheng Shaoan. He lost his job. Even if He Qiufeng wanted to block people, he couldn't find a place. She had been there at the beginning Sheng was about to make trouble, but before she could howl, she was locked up in the prison, and she was detained for several days before being released. During those few days in the prison, she was so miserable that no one came to redeem her. When she went out, she had to be locked up for a few days before she came out.

After tossing and tossing for the past few days, He Qiufeng's whole body has lost a layer of skin. The few days just gave her the effect of living for a few years, and she is several years old.

There was no one in the house, it was empty, and there was only a summons from the court, which was a divorce lawsuit, and Mo Zhenhua was determined to divorce this marriage.

Now He Qiufeng was completely panicked, and all her vigor was wiped out. She didn't stay at home for long, and went to the hospital. The only person she can talk to now is her daughter Mo Zhi.

As soon as Mo Zhi saw He Qiufeng, she lost her temper, picked up the things at hand and threw them at the person who came.

"Why are you here now! Where have you been these days! Don't you want me anymore! Do you dislike me and embarrass you! Are you going to throw me away!" Mo Zhi after the miscarriage , her mood became more irritable, and even a little thing could make her lose her temper. During the few days when He Qiufeng disappeared, all the doctors and nurses in the hospital were harassed by her.

He Qiufeng also had a lot of unspeakable pain in her heart, but seeing her daughter's appearance, she couldn't help feeling distressed and shed tears.

"Xiaozhi, mother's daughter, my depressed daughter." He Qiufeng stepped forward to hug the irritable person, crying miserably.

Mo Zhi also started to cry, the two hugged each other and cried, they could hear the movement a few meters outside the door, but no one dared to be curious, they were all overshadowed by the people in the ward.

Tired of crying, He Qiufeng told Mo Zhi what happened these days.

"Dad, he really wants to divorce you?" Mo Zhi was trembling with anger. She and her mother have always had a deep relationship, especially after she experienced those things, she was so angry that she was thrown away like a rag. But, her mother and her father have been in a relationship for more than 20 years, and they leave as soon as they say it.

"The subpoenas from the court have been sent to my home. The heartless person is determined to divorce me just because of that bastard Mo Ying." He Qiufeng was so wronged and kept complaining that she had never liked Mo Ying. Every time something goes wrong, I have to push it on Mo Ying.

"Then Li, it's not that you can't live without him." Mo Zhi gritted her teeth, her eyes were red, she didn't know which enemy she thought she was talking about.

He Qiufeng was stunned, even if the trouble got to this point, she never thought about leaving, "Xiaozhi, you, you, how can you say such a thing, then you are my father."

Upon hearing this, Mo Zhi glared at He Qiufeng, so fierce that He Qiufeng couldn't help shrinking her neck.

"Mom! Dad is determined to leave you, can't you have some backbone! Are you going to starve to death! You have to live a better life and show him, whoever leaves can't live!"

(End of this chapter)

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