Mr. Sheng works with a certificate

Chapter 173 I Just Care About You Too Much

Chapter 173 I Just Care About You Too Much

The two stayed on the island for several days, and walked through most of the island. After all, Sheng Shaoan's time was limited, and it was impossible for the huge Sheng family to leave it alone. After a few days, the two returned.

Zheng Ming came to pick up the plane early in the morning, and seeing Sheng Shao'an was as enthusiastic and excited as seeing his own mother.

Just like that, as soon as Sheng Shaoan got off the plane, Zheng Ming greeted him with tears in his eyes, and Yuan Wu sent Mo Ying back.

Less than an hour after returning from the island, Mo Ying received a text message on his phone.


There were only two words, and Mo Ying knew who sent it. Except for Yu Feichi, she didn't make second guesses, because the good mood of this vacation disappeared immediately.

When she got home, Mo Ying didn't check the mailbox right away. After taking a shower, she took out a pen and paper to draw out the patterns that had been sketched in her mind these days.

It is almost done in one go, from the writing of the pen to the drawing of the pattern, there is no break in the middle.

After the painting was finished, Mo Ying was very satisfied, it was a completely different design from her previous works.

After a while, Mo Ying got up to prepare dinner, but before she stepped out of the room, her phone rang.

"did you see it yet?"

There was a question at the beginning, the tone was not aggressive, but it gave people a tough look.

Mo Ying frowned. She and Yu Feichi could get along peacefully because they both deliberately kept the distance they should have. Both of them had a limit in their hearts, and no one would cross that limit, but recently Yu Feichi seemed to be She has paid too much attention to her affairs.

"I'm sorry, Aying, I didn't want to interfere in your affairs, I was afraid that you would be hurt. Sheng Shaoan is a complicated person. He has no sincerity towards you, and he is always taking advantage of you." Yu Feichi heard Mo Ying's side He knew that his crossing the line caused Mo Ying's displeasure, so he immediately explained eagerly.

The first time Yu Feichi exposed Sheng Shaoan's intentions to Mo Ying, he seemed to be keen on it, as long as Sheng Shaoan made a slight move, he would immediately produce something to prove what kind of intention Sheng Shaoan had to use her , Tell her right away.

"Aying, Aying, are my only friend, Aying."

Yu Feichi called Mo Ying hurriedly on the other end of the phone, like a child asking for candy.

She is Yu Feichi's only friend, and in turn, he is not his only friend. It's a pity to have been friends for several years.

"I'll go and see, Achi, if I need your help, I'll tell you." During this time, Yu Feichi has intervened in her affairs several times, which has never happened before .

"I see, I'm sorry, Aying, I just care too much about you." Yu Feichi hung up the phone after saying this.

A phone call changed Mo Ying's plan. Instead of going downstairs to prepare dinner, she turned on the computer and clicked on the mailbox. No surprises, it contained the turmoil of the Sheng family in the past few days when Sheng Shaoan left.

Taking advantage of Sheng Shao'an's departure, some people started to make moves, and they all came up with the Sheng family's idea, including Sheng's most troublesome second uncle Sheng, who was the biggest high-level shock.

Judging from what Yu Feichi sent her, it is obvious that Sheng Shaoan was prepared. The few days he left seemed to be a hole deliberately opened to them. Being brought down puts Second Uncle Sheng's faction at a disadvantage.

(End of this chapter)

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