Chapter 191 Debunking
Seeing someone coming out of the ward, Pan Yingying felt unspeakably embarrassed. Judging from the fact that that person was able to enter and leave the ward when Sheng Shaoan was unconscious, it can be seen that his status is not low.

"I'm a doctor in this hospital. I want to go in and have a look at Mr. Sheng, but these two people stopped me from going in, so I argued a few words." Pan Yingying cherishes Yuyu, how could she allow herself to be a mediocre person in the eyes of others? Uneducated people naturally have a lot of excuses to prevaricate.

Although Zheng Ming saw the person in front of him for the first time, the corresponding information about her soon appeared in his mind, but he didn't know when their big boss had a relationship with this person. Was the big boss really seriously injured and unconscious? Wake up and be hospitalized, naturally you don't need a real doctor to check, and you won't be able to enter the ward just by claiming to be a doctor.

"Then this one..." Zheng Ming paused, leaned forward pretendingly, and glanced at the name tag hung by Pan Yingying, "Dr. Pan, Mr. Sheng has his own doctor, so don't trouble Dr. Pan to get tired."

Pan Yingying ate more rejections in the past few minutes than she had in her entire life.

"No, actually Mo Ying asked me to come and see Mr. Sheng." Pan Yingying can't be dismissed in a few words. The more difficult it is, the more she refuses to give up lightly, so she let Mo Ying go. Come out, no matter what, Mo Ying is Sheng Shao'an's wife, bring her out, you must give her some face.

The mention of Mo Ying made Zheng Ming take a second look at Pan Yingying. He is a man, a man with an entrepreneurial spirit. He spends less time on the relationship between men and women, but it doesn't mean he doesn't know. Pan Yingying's performance immediately made him Seeing what Pan Yingying was thinking, the people of the Pan family were so big that they all called the big boss.

"You mean Mrs. Sheng asked you to come here?" Zheng Ming really didn't know what to say to the woman who was talking nonsense with her eyes open in front of her. Even though he hadn't had much contact with Mo Ying, he also knew that she was a person who didn't like to trouble others. , Everything is stuffy in my stomach, let alone entrusting anyone.

Pan Yingying choked. It seems that Mo Ying is a famous saw-mouthed gourd. If this is the case, then what she said just now is indeed full of loopholes, but the words have already been said, so there is no way to correct them, so I can only bite the bullet and agree. .

"Yes, just now, I met Mo Ying. She said that Mr. Sheng was in a car accident and was unconscious. She knew that I was a doctor here, so she asked me to take care of Mr. Sheng, so I came to take a look." Pan Yingying Going forward, she was not afraid of the person in front of her to ask anyway, Mo Ying couldn't say a single sentence in the three sentences that was useful, thinking about it this way, she felt relieved.

Zheng Ming saw the change in Pan Yingying's expression and knew what she was thinking. Zheng Ming still turned to Mo Ying in his heart, not only because she was the person Sheng Shaoan had identified, but also because Mo Ying was a well-behaved and sensible child. Always be protective, lest others think Mrs. Sheng is a cat and dog who can play tricks on anyone.

"Didn't Mrs. Sheng tell Dr. Pan that Mr. Sheng is going to change hospitals? Mrs. Sheng just went back because she was planning to transfer." Zheng Ming talked nonsense, and he was not afraid that the big boss would not transfer hospitals. If the big boss knew that someone was plotting Mo Ying, compared to What he said and did, I'm afraid it's even worse.

Pan Yingying's face turned dark, and all the lies she told were exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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