Chapter 205 Recognize
The video at the airport was quickly delivered to Sheng Shaoan. Mo Ying appeared from the gate of the terminal, and then disappeared after boarding the plane. Sheng Shaoan watched it dozens of times during the journey where she appeared.

"She walks lightly, looks calm, and there is no suspicious person following behind, it doesn't seem like someone has threatened her." Zheng Ming also accompanied Sheng Shaoan to read it over and over again, and finally came to such a conclusion.

The hostility between Sheng Shaoan's eyebrows faded away, but his eyes were still dangerous, staring at the screen like a black panther hunting, lowering his breath, watching the prey, waiting for the fatal blow.

The screen finally stopped at the scene where Mo Ying was raised slightly, and was infinitely magnified by Sheng Shaoan, that face became clear, the person was still the same person, and the facial features were still familiar to them, but the person on the screen was obviously not familiar to them The well-behaved and obedient Mo Ying.

"Is this really Mo Ying?" Zheng Ming became a little uncertain, the people on the screen felt too strange to him, with a cold look on his face.

Sheng Shaoan stared at the screen, his tight lip line suddenly curled up, and then he burst out laughing.

Zheng Ming looked at Sheng Shao'an inexplicably, he must have been hit too hard and lost his mind.

"Interesting, it's really interesting. I didn't expect that I was mistaken once, and everyone was deceived by her." Sheng Shaoan smiled instead of anger.

Zheng Ming is not stupid, he probably guessed what was going on, this is not some superb secret room disappearance method, but Mo Ying left by himself, hunting geese all day long, today was pecked by geese, if leaving is planned by Mo Ying, Then she could never be as simple and pure as they saw.

"Find all of Mo Ying's information, and don't let any of it go." Sheng Shaoan's eyes were still locked on the person on the screen. He was familiar with that face, but the expression on his face was extremely strange. For a moment, Sheng Shaoan couldn't tell whether he was more annoyed by being deceived or more excited by a new discovery.

The Mo family's information has been collected long ago, but they did not deliberately collect Mo Ying's. Sheng Shao'an let it go, and Zheng Ming naturally followed suit. The information from Mo Ying's birth was dug up and sent to the abandoned husband who was abandoned by his wife.

Sure enough, marriage is a very complicated matter. You can't be too hot, otherwise it's easy to be passionate.

Zheng Ming couldn't help wiping tears of sympathy for the big boss, and couldn't help admiring Mo Ying. There are really very few people who can play the big boss, and Mo Ying played it big enough.

Before the night passed, Mo Ying's materials were delivered to Sheng Shaoan.

Sheng Shao'an carefully looked at the words word by word, but he didn't find any clues. His little wife is really not simple at all. She can hide it so well. If she hadn't sensed his thoughts, she probably wouldn't have revealed it.

He didn't expect that his love would be abandoned one day.

Realizing this, Sheng Shaoan's expression twisted, how could she, how dare she!
Sheng Shaoan doesn't care that the innocent and kind Mo Ying he likes is actually not what he thinks, he can only catch her back now, and then punish her for running away from him.

It turns out that rabbits can bite people when they are in a hurry.

Although his little rabbit is not a weak little rabbit, she is a seemingly harmless little beast that secretly accumulates strength.

But it doesn't matter, everything will wait until he catches the person back.

(End of this chapter)

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