Chapter 214 You Guess
This person is naturally Mo Ying.

When Aiwen saw the person reappearing in front of him, he was full of joy of being lost and found again. He nodded, "Hello, my name is Aiwen Rigg."

Mo Ying didn't want to have a cross-border relationship, but this person is so obsessed with herself, she chased after her. After all, she is not here for vacation. She really cares about Sheng Shaoan's time bomb. She likes country J very much, and she hasn't wanted it yet. Leave, but if you expose your whereabouts, you have to make another plan.

Mo Ying examined the person introducing himself, and after confirming that there was no threat, he let go of his heavy defense.

Dean has recently been tortured by the little devil at home, who has been pestering him to find a beautiful sister with stars in her eyes. God knows what kind of monster has stars in her eyes. He still wants to find someone, but where can he find them, so , These days, he subconsciously looks into a person's eyes.

Dean didn't see the stars in Mo Ying's eyes, he only saw his defense. Then, his focus gradually deviated. This person's eyes were black, not like the stars, but like the night sky hiding the stars, pitch black.

He has also seen Asians before, but this oriental girl gave him a very different feeling. Her eyes are cold, alienated and indifferent, and it is difficult to get close. No wonder Aiwen likes it. Aiwen, who shakes M, likes this one the most. kind of.

"I see. Goodbye." Mo Ying had no intention of continuing to pester her, as long as this person didn't come to find her.

Ai Wen was in a hurry when he saw someone and was about to leave. He didn't even know the name of the girl he fell in love with at first sight, so what should he do in the future!
"Wait, you haven't told me what your name is." Ai Wen hurriedly stopped the person who turned and left. After all, he was a playboy in the hunting ground. Disgusting, and suddenly he kind of thanked Dean for interrupting him, otherwise he must be disgusted by now.

Ai Wen really grasped the measure, Mo Ying turned his head, but his footsteps did not stop, and the language changed, and he replied in correct Chinese, "Guess."

Ai Wen is proficient in several languages, but Chinese is not among them. He frowned and thought for a long time, regretting to death, why didn't he learn Chinese?If he had known that he would meet an oriental girl who fell in love at first sight, he would have learned Chinese first, no matter how difficult it was.

When Mo Ying turned his head, he happened to pass by a street lamp, and the light was reflected in Mo Ying's eyes, the black pupils glowed with dots of white broken light, really like the night sky with stars twinkling in the sky at this time.

Suddenly, Dean's face changed. Isn't this just eyes with stars!She is so pretty, is she the one that the little devil is talking about!

Dean has been a little impatient looking for someone these days. He has also shown the design draft to his family, and he has unanimously high evaluation. His father said that he must find this person, but he went to the square to stay, and he didn't see it at all. The little devil quarreled with him again, he came out to relax because he was exhausted physically and mentally, now he would rather kill the wrong than let him go, first take him back to show the little devil, if not forget it, what if it is?

Dean felt that this was a gift from God to him. While Ivan was still worrying about how to get the name of the person he fell in love with at first sight, Dean had already rushed out. He didn't have Al's twisted intestines, and he didn't come to pursue girls. , ran over directly, to get La Moying's hand, and asked her to follow him home.

(End of this chapter)

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