Chapter 230 In a daze
After this phone call, Mo Ying's face was also full of heaviness. She provoked Sheng Shaoan for some reason. She really didn't want to understand what Sheng Shaoan liked about her?If it was her well-behaved appearance, after knowing all this, she should be sober, then he is looking for her now, is it because he is angry from embarrassment?
In any case, she didn't want to go back to the old days. After freedom, who would want to step back into the cage.

At the moment of hanging up, domestic.

"Found it, in Country J."

Zheng Ming handed the things found by monitoring Yu Feichi's phone to Sheng Shaoan.

Sheng Shaoan looked at the address written on it, and finally smiled on his gloomy expression for a few days, "After playing outside for so many days, it's time to invite her back."

Yu Litian provided convenience to Sheng Shaoan in order to take Yu Feichi out of the housework between Sheng Shaoan and Mo Ying, but he didn't know that the two of them at this time didn't know that the storm was coming.

Mo Ying learned handicrafts under Bart, and became more and more proficient. She did provide a lot of help in designing jewelry. Everything seemed to be going well. The design she handed over to the Hawk family was almost completed, and the jewelry exhibition was also held. Soon, but she was always flustered, as if something was about to happen, this feeling was very bad, she still cared about what Yu Feichi said to her, Sheng Shaoan was dangerous, she was by this man's side After staying for a long time, she knew it very well, so she planned to leave country J after the jewelry exhibition and go to other places.

Something is wrong with Mo Ying these few days, and Dean is also the one who is wrong, but Mo Ying is too busy to take care of himself, so he doesn't pay attention to what is wrong with Dean.

Dean was in a lot of trouble. He didn't know what was wrong with him. When he was with Mo Ying, he would always be distracted. He wanted to talk to her, but he didn't want to talk to her. He wanted to see her, but he didn't want to see her When it comes to her, in short, it is very contradictory.

He couldn't help looking at Mo Ying again. He always knew how diligent she was, she was extremely serious in her work, and kept improving. Even if a small detail couldn't be done well, she would do it repeatedly. Even his father and elder brother praised her, but she was also very beautiful. When she smiled, it seemed that all the stars were contained in her, and even frowning, she was so beautiful.

Dean was in a daze again, and was still giggling.

Suddenly an object flew in front of Dean, and Dean came back to his senses.

"Go and get that back." Mo Ying said to Dean who came back to his senses.

Dean did as he did, picking up the things on the ground and handing them to Mo Ying.

"Hey, left hand." Mo Ying said.

Dean was puzzled, but held out his left hand anyway.

Mo Ying shook Dean's hand, as if teasing an obedient golden retriever.

Dean reacted belatedly, his face flushed with embarrassment, he knew that he should say something to save face at this time, but after holding back for a long time, the corners of his mouth turned up.

"What's the matter with you recently, you're always in a daze." Mo Ying didn't want to care about Dean's affairs at first, but Dean's anomaly was too much, like a young boy in love at the beginning of love.

Dean looked embarrassed, as if some secret had been glimpsed, "No, maybe it's because I'm too tired recently."

Regarding Dean's answer, Mo Ying held a skeptical attitude. He was so tired, his eyes were burning, like a golden retriever seeing a big bone.

(End of this chapter)

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