Chapter 240 is gone

Zheng Ming is at the farthest part of the row on his right, as long as he walks further in, he will find her in a short time.

It seems that the end of this show will not be seen, but she has already said hello in advance, leaving at this time will not cause unnecessary misunderstandings, Mo Ying didn't see her in a hurry, she got up slowly, without even bending her back half point.

Although there was only one entrance in the venue, it was very obvious that anyone who entered or exited the entrance would be able to see it clearly. Mo Ying did not choose to leave through the entrance, but chose the stairs for the emergency passage.

Although her steps down the stairs were fast, her expression was not flustered, and she was calm like an ordinary person.

She walked up the stairs to the hotel floor, and opened a room with her card. The room was booked by her long ago, and there was a set of clothes, documents and air tickets, and a mobile phone.

After changing her clothes, Mo Ying did not leave from the main entrance of the hotel, but walked through the passage of the staff, hailed a taxi, and went to the airport.

On the other side of the venue, Dean, who had finally come out of the lounge, was looking for Mo Ying. For some reason, his heart was flustered all the time, as if something had happened, which made him anxious to find Mo Ying, as if he was sure Only her presence can relieve her panic.

After searching for a long time, Dean couldn't find Mo Ying, so he went to Yaheng again, hoping to get help from him.

"Brother, have you seen Mo? I've searched for a long time, but I can't find her." Dean was in a hurry, he was taken to the lounge by Amra, and the family doctor examined him. After confirming that it was all right, he let him out, but Mo Ying was no longer at the original place, and the lights were dimmed, making it even more difficult to find him.

Yaheng was staring at the show, afraid that something might go wrong. Today's jewelry show is very important to the Hawke family, and no mistakes can be tolerated, so he was a little perfunctory to Dean's question, "I didn't See, look for it again."

As soon as Dean heard it, he knew that Yaheng was perfunctory, but he was really flustered, otherwise he wouldn't bother Yaheng at this time, "Brother, ask someone to find it for me, I'll go I've searched for the location several times, but I haven't seen her."

Yaheng was annoyed by Dean. In order to get rid of this trouble as soon as possible, he personally followed Dean to find someone. The position was arranged by them. Empty with no one at all.

"This is the third time. I've looked for her three times, but she's not here." Dean was in a hurry, and he thought about all kinds of bad things.

"Maybe it's just going away temporarily. You can come back in a few minutes, maybe she will be there then." Yaheng thought of the conversation between Mo Ying and him. She said she would leave tonight, and he couldn't say for sure. Did he leave early? It's just that at this moment, how could he speak like this? He saw Dean's anxious face change, and suddenly he was a little shaken.

"Where can she go? I searched everywhere, but I couldn't find her." Dean's anxious voice changed, as if something important was missing before he knew it.

Just when one of the two brothers was panicking and the other was worried, a figure approached them, his voice was mellow and steady, and he said slowly, "Excuse me, have you seen my wife?"

(End of this chapter)

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