Mr. Sheng works with a certificate

Chapter 260 how long has it been

Chapter 260 how long has it been

The first special assistant is now Mo Ying's driver, even if Mo Ying keeps looking outside, he can't ignore Zheng Ming's gaze cast on her from time to time.

"Driving without looking ahead, what's the use of looking at me?" Mo Ying's gaze was still outside the car window, the towering buildings, the clean and tidy green environment, her peripheral vision took the person in front of her, and she spoke coolly.

Because of this, Zheng Ming did not refrain from his behavior of spying and probing, but was exposed by Mo Ying. Instead, he watched her openly from the rearview mirror. He has been following Sheng Shaoan, and he also knew the whole process of Sheng Shaoan and Song Silu. Just like the others, he is more optimistic about the two of them. As for the others, for their somewhat exclusive circle, even the role of wife may not be acceptable to them.

Zheng Ming is also a member of this circle. He finally accepted the existence of Song Silu, and temporarily replaced him. I really forgive him for not being so receptive. He didn't take Mo Ying seriously before, so it doesn't matter whether he accepts it or not. , in his opinion, Mo Ying and them are not the same kind of people, after a brief encounter, they will only disappear in each other's lives.

Unexpectedly, instead of disappearing, they became closer and closer.

"I'm really curious, what exactly does he like about you?" Zheng Ming teased, Sheng Shao'an has already reached the point of warning, if he doesn't know his face, he will really be kicked out.

"I'm also curious, maybe he has a problem with his mind." Mo Ying was not joking, but was really answering Zheng Ming's question. After much deliberation, this answer was the only one that was more convincing.

Regarding Sheng Shaoan's obsession with her, Mo Ying seemed to understand, but was a little at a loss.

Mo Ying is the only one he knows who dares to question his big boss like this. In this way, Mo Ying is not without merits, at least he dares to vomit what he dare not.

"What kind of person do you think Sheng Shaoan is?" Zheng Mingxing raised his head. Compared with the wooden pile who couldn't read a few words for a long time before, the current Mo Ying is more interesting.

The hand hanging on the leg curled up its fingers, tapped the leg a few times, and then said quietly, "It's dangerous, he's a terrifying lunatic."

Mo Ying wasn't afraid that today's conversation would reach Sheng Shaoan's ears. Recalling the day she first arrived in country M, the word lunatic really fit the Sheng Shaoan she saw.

Unfortunately, not everyone agrees with Mo Ying's views.

The Sheng Shao'an that Zheng Ming saw was decisive, calm and self-reliant, but he didn't have the label of abnormality, let alone a lunatic. The only thing that surprised him was the existence of Mo Ying.

Seeing that Zheng Ming didn't say a word, didn't refute or agree, Mo Ying knew that he didn't agree with her statement in his heart.

"How long have you been with him?" Mo Ying asked the question this time.

Zheng Ming thought for a while and replied, "Seven or eight years."

He had known Sheng Shao'an for more than seven or eight years, but he had been working by his side for that number of years.

Mo Ying didn't answer immediately, she remained silent, staring at the scene outside.

Zheng Ming has been waiting for Mo Ying to open his mouth, wouldn't it be okay to just ask such a question?However, Zheng Ming waited for a long time, but did not hear Mo Ying's voice. Just when Zheng Ming thought that Mo Ying would not speak again, he heard her cool voice.

"You've been standing near him for so long, yet you haven't discovered Sheng Shaoan's true face. Zheng Ming, should I say that you are really suitable to be an assistant, or should I say that you are really a failure?"
Thank you amy for your reward, hug ╭(╯3╰)╮

(End of this chapter)

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