Chapter 262
Burt made it clear that the visitor was not kind, otherwise he would deliberately stand in front of Mo Ying?

Zheng Ming also knew about such an obvious matter. If Sheng Shaoan hadn't warned him, he might have let go of it. He didn't want to offend Bert. Although he followed Sheng Shaoan, if Bert wanted to punish him, he would not die, but Not going anywhere.

"Of course, you don't know. In those days in China, my dog's eyes went blind one after another, and I could be burned to death if I showed affection or something." Zheng Ming felt that he was indeed forced to watch Sheng Shaoan shows affection.

"Really?" Bert narrowed his eyes slightly, assessing the authenticity of Zheng Ming's words. He didn't know how many pairs of Zheng Ming's dog eyes were blind, but yesterday, he did have a pair of blind eyes. He also observed Zheng Ming's expression, the expression on his face was different from the first time he saw them, he didn't seem to be surprised, if it wasn't common, he wouldn't have the expression he was used to.

"Why don't you talk slowly, I'll go back first." Mo Ying interrupted Burt's thoughts. Ever since she got involved with Sheng Shao'an, her life has undergone tremendous changes. People like Bert, according to her How could it be possible to encounter the previous life.

Burt turned his attention back to Mo Ying. The purpose of his visit today was not to chat. He bent an arc, and the smile on his face deepened a bit.

"I want to invite you to a place." Burt smiled charmingly, and it was difficult for people to refuse his invitation.

Seeing Bert's smile, Zheng Ming shuddered. As long as he saw Bert's smile bright and flowery, he would have a bad feeling, and always felt that someone was going to be unlucky.

Zheng Ming was about to find a reason to reject Bert, but Mo Ying spoke before him.

"Let's go." Mo Ying did not refuse, but readily agreed.

This made Bert and Zheng Ming stunned.

Burt didn't expect Mo Ying to be so straightforward. He had already thought of all the methods to invite her, and one of them could be effective by coercion and bribery, but he agreed without those methods?
On the other hand, Zheng Ming has a face full of shit, you are fucking teasing me, Bert has bad intentions, anyone with a little brain can understand it, not to mention that Mo Ying is not a brainless, she has more brains than anyone else. If you want more, she actually agreed!
"Are you still going?" Mo Ying urged Burt as she walked past him.

The roles seemed to be reversed, and the home court changed from Bert to Mo Ying in an instant.

Burt's mood at this moment is very delicate, he always feels that just one moment, he has lost the wind again.

In the end, the two went together, and Zheng Ming naturally wanted to follow, but he was very depressed. It was better to be Mo Ying before, who was obedient and soft, and would never cause him any trouble. Trouble free to walk!
The troublesome Mo Ying who walks freely, is very calm and calm, doesn't seem to be in a state full of malice and calculations. Compared with Burt beside her, Burt is even more like being put together by others, with a gloomy face and a white face. My unhappiness is written all over my handsome face.

Bert stared at Mo Ying, trying to find a flaw on her face. He wanted to see panic, panic and fear from Mo Ying's face, but he didn't see anything, and he was very blocked. A thing that was originally designed suddenly developed in an unknown direction, but he just didn't know how to reverse the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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