Mr. Sheng works with a certificate

Chapter 265 Friend's Position

Chapter 265 Friend's Position

Burt was stunned by those eyes, he was a little annoyed, because of what Mo Ying said, and the look in her eyes, as if he had done something vulgar.

"Heh, heh heh, heh heh..." Bert suddenly laughed.

Zheng Ming looked at Bert, feeling as if something bad was about to happen.

Without waiting for Zheng Ming to react, Bert grabbed Mo Ying's neck, his face was ferocious, and there was no such thing as an elegant prince. He was a demon born in hell.

"What real ability do you want to see? Kill you, okay?" Bert was irritated.

"Bert! Stop!" Zheng Ming exclaimed, he knew something would happen!
However, Mo Ying remained unmoved, there was no ripple on her face, her calmness was terrifying.

"That's why I said I was disappointed. As a friend, have you thought about Sheng Shaoan's point of view? You know what he wants and what he doesn't want. Have you really heard from him!" Mo Ying ignored the pain on his neck. That hand yelled loudly.

The anger on Bert's face gradually receded, his eyes were blank for a moment, and what Sheng Shaoan said to him echoed in his ears again.

It was not only Burt who was reprimanded by this sound, but also Zheng Ming.

Sheng Shao'an repeatedly emphasized that Mo Ying was his wife, and they didn't really listen to it, maintaining a superficial peace. In fact, they didn't take their so-called wife seriously.

Mo Ying pushed Bert's hand away, Bert was still immersed in Mo Ying's questioning, and ignored Mo Ying's actions, he and Sheng Shaoan are friends, there is no doubt about it, even his biological parents cannot be trusted wholeheartedly, but He trusted Sheng Shao'an, started from scratch in country M, and built his own kingdom, which is now glamorous and beautiful. Back then, their lives were hanging on the wire.

He thinks that Sheng Shaoan should be with Song Silu, not only because Song Silu saved Sheng Shaoan's life, but also because Song Silu knows the whole story, the Song family is a great help, Sheng Shaoan and Song Silu are more suitable together , and Mo Ying, a person who appeared suddenly, knew nothing about her, it was too difficult for her to accept.

But what if Sheng Shaoan confirmed it?

Should he persuade Sheng Shaoan to seek guilt, or should he agree with Sheng Shaoan's choice?
Bert thought for a long time, he felt that he had entered a strange circle, and he couldn't get out of it.

Outside, Song Yinzhang had already left, leaving Sheng Shaoan alone.

He got up and walked slowly towards the place where they parked.

There was a knock on the car window, Burt glanced lazily outside, and when he saw Sheng Shaoan's face, he didn't show much surprise.

Mo Ying opened the car door, and Sheng Shaoan stretched out his hand towards Mo Ying, "Although it's a bit early, let's go have dinner together and take you for a walk."

Sheng Shaoan's voice is very gentle, it's not difficult to hear his protection of Mo Ying.

Burt didn't stop him either. He waved his hands in disgust, and said in a rather harsh tone, "Get out, get out."

So Sheng Shaoan took Mo Ying away, and the unwelcome Zheng Ming got out of Burt's car in a daze, not knowing where he was going next, standing still on the street for a long time, he was still thinking about Mo Ying's words, He had never seen Mo Ying so aggressive, and he couldn't say a word until now.

Bert's car was on the road again, he closed his eyes, his face calmed down, Sheng Shaoan really found a powerful wife, just say a few words, he can't touch her anymore.
The previous chapter was wrong, it has been changed, please check again
Thanks to the big coffee, w, 2 and 2 and then crazy, ﹏LF, for the reward, okay (*/ω\*)
(End of this chapter)

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