Chapter 269

Sheng Shao'an didn't plan to confront each other head-on. Mo Ying doesn't have many friends, and the only one he can count is Yu Feichi. In Mo Ying's heart, Yu Feichi's status must be higher than his. When he occupies Mo Ying's heart, when the time comes One day, sooner or later, he will completely erase the three words Yu Feichi from Mo Ying's heart.

After the conversation was over, Sheng Shaoan took Mo Ying to dinner.

"Mr. Sheng, I have reserved a seat for you, please." Sheng Shao'an is obviously a regular customer here, and the attitude of the service staff is a bit more familiar than other guests, and there are people who stop along the way.

The location is next to the window, as if half of M country can be seen.

"The dishes here taste very good." Sheng Shaoan then recommended a few dishes that he liked to Mo Ying. It is a very pleasant thing to share what you like with the people you like.

The two quickly decided on the menu. Because of Sheng Shaoan, they served the food very quickly. Mo Ying is not a snarky person, and the food here is really delicious. Looking at the scene, there is a melodious live music in his ears , is really a pleasing thing.

But she forgot that sitting opposite her was a troublemaker who could walk freely.


The pleasant female voice broke Mo Ying's good mood, the corners of her mouth were slightly curved, but it could still be seen that she was in a good mood at the moment.

The person who came was none other than Song Yinzhang's younger sister, Song Silu, who had just met Sheng Shaoan in the afternoon.

"It's such a coincidence that you, you are also here." Song Silu glanced at Mo Ying before adding a 'we' after the word 'you'.

Song Silu's appearance, it's hard to put it on a coincidence, let alone a person who wants to rekindle his old relationship.

Everyone was standing in front of them, so they couldn't pretend they didn't see it, not to mention that Song Silu saved Sheng Shaoan's life, just because of this, she couldn't be neglected.

Sheng Shaoan responded, which was regarded as a response.

"I haven't been to this place for a long time. I miss this dish very much. I don't know if it still tastes the same as before. Can I add a seat? I seem to be too lonely by myself." Song Silu didn't feel disturbed at all to enjoy What's wrong with a couple in a two-person world, she kept her eyes on Sheng Shaoan, and she didn't want to hide the affection in her eyes.

If Mo Ying is excluded, this scene is a lover who has not seen for many years, witnessing their reunion in a sweet restaurant, especially Song Silu's expression, affectionate and nostalgic, in the long search, finally met his lover again .

Sheng Shaoan frowned slightly, he was really not interested in being the leading actor in this scene, the past, the past, it was just the past, he would not miss it.

"Sit down." The person who agreed was not Sheng Shaoan, but Mo Ying. With a polite smile, she let Song Silu get what she wanted, but she was not trying to match Sheng Shaoan and Song Silu, she was not a matchmaker. She can't take care of other people's business, she just wants to leave M country intact and alive.

Sheng Shaoan glanced at Mo Ying, hesitated for a moment, and followed her words to invite someone to add him.

Song Silu sat down as she wished, and sat between the two of them, but she didn't feel complacent at all. Instead, she realized that the important things that she once held tightly in her hands seemed to be losing bit by bit.She will not let such a thing happen, Sheng Shaoan belongs to her, how can anyone take it away.

(End of this chapter)

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