Chapter 282
This was the first time Mo Ying faced Sheng Shaoan's feelings directly, and her answer was to stand where they should be.

Sheng Shaoan's face turned ugly every time he heard a word in his ear. He knew that Mo Ying didn't have him in his heart, but when he really heard it, the restlessness in his heart made him want to kill, but he couldn't do anything. Do.

"I'm sorry." In the end, Sheng Shao'an's restless anger turned into a soft sigh, "I didn't think carefully this time."

"You don't need to apologize to me, I don't blame you." Mo Ying still had that indifferent tone, even Sheng Shaoan's apology didn't move her.

Sheng Shaoan's hand holding the wall curled into a fist, why is it always like this, no matter what he does, Mo Ying always looks like he has nothing to do with her, he doesn't care about anything, and doesn't care about anything in her heart.

Sheng Shaoan thought this was cruel enough, but he still underestimated Mo Ying's indifference.

"You've been using me from the beginning, so just keep using me. You haven't been using me very well all the time? You asked me to go back because I need my existence in the future. Stop pretending, I won't respond to you I didn't have any feelings for you before, and I won't ever do so in the future." Mo Ying's attitude was firm, and it was impossible to get feelings from her.

Sheng Shaoan only felt his blood surging, and Mo Ying's voice was extremely piercing in his ear, he wanted Mo Ying to shut up and stop saying those things that made him uncomfortable.

It seemed wrong from the beginning when the two met.

"Don't act like your liking is a reward. I don't care about it at all. Without you, I don't have to finish my studies hastily. I don't even dare to stay abroad by myself. I don't need to look at you now. The winks of those friends remind those who are afraid of dying in a foreign land in the next second, Sheng Shaoan, I can't believe you, I only made one request to you, but even so, I am still too naive to put the bet on you. Betting on you, in the final analysis, I am just a pawn that can be used easily..."

"Shut up!" Sheng Shaoan swung his fist at Mo Ying, followed by a muffled sound.

The bright red color stained the white wall, and also dyed Sheng Shaoan's eyes red.

Sheng Shaoan's throat was clogged, and Mo Ying's words, every sentence of his heart, wiped out all his feelings. He really wanted to say that it wasn't like that, he obviously didn't mean that, but he couldn't say a word.

Because what she said was the truth, he used it as a fact, he rejected her as a fact, and she didn't care that he was a fact.

Even now, he can't say that he will never be without a trace of impurities in the future.

When people are confused, they will be at the mercy of others. When people are smart, they see everything too clearly, but they are fettered and difficult to break free.

Mo Ying indifferently pushed away Sheng Shaoan's arm that was holding her back.

Before she walked a few steps away, Sheng Shaoan said hoarsely, "Mo Ying, you are so ruthless, and your heart is so ruthless, but don't be complacent, I will not let go, whether you use it or like it, I will You won't let go, you can't escape."

Now that Mo Ying understands this, it's been so long since she's been tearing her face apart, why wait until now to say that if someone loses her a point, she will pay back ten. After gouging out his heart, she completely wiped out his feelings and the future between them.

(End of this chapter)

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