Mr. Sheng works with a certificate

Chapter 300 Can't go in

Chapter 300 Can't go in
At this time, Mo Ying was busy in the kitchen. Although she didn't know that Sheng Shaoan had already embarked on the journey back to China, she also guessed that it would be within a few days.

After all, her whereabouts were disclosed by herself.

"Aying, are you still okay? I'm so hungry that I'm crying." A weak voice came from behind Mo Ying.

Mo Ying turned down the fire, filled a bowl of soup and called someone, "Drink some soup first, and we can eat right away."

As soon as Mo Ying's words fell, there was a soft and boneless creature lying on Mo Ying's back, with his head resting on Mo Ying's shoulders. Although his voice was weak, his blood was very good. Some blood.

The only one who can be so close to Mo Ying is Yu Feichi.

After Mo Ying returned to China, she contacted Yu Feichi, and told about how she was found by Sheng Shaoan and how she returned to China. Of course, she didn't tell Yu Feichi everything, and picked some important ones. .

The place where Mo Ying lives now is Yu Feichi's apartment. The fact that she and Yu Feichi met is no longer a secret, and it would seem a little unspeakable to cover it up.

Originally, Mo Ying planned to find a hotel to live in, but Yu Feichi insisted that Mo Ying live in the apartment. Of course, Yu Feichi didn't stay overnight. When he returned home at night, he would show up in the apartment early in the day.

"A Ying's craftsmanship is getting better and better." Yu Feichi didn't stay behind Mo Ying for too long, walked to the soup bowl, took a sip, and sighed with admiration.

Yu Feichi is obviously a wealthy young master, but he always has three meals on time. He eats on time only when someone is watching him. These days, Yu Feichi and Mo Ying are together, and three meals are always on time.

Mo Ying has heard Yu Feichi's emotion many times, but she doesn't think it's getting better and better, the taste is the same, and she hasn't changed anything.

When Yu Feichi finished drinking the bowl of soup, Mo Ying's dishes were also ready and served on the table. The two of them seldom ate together. Ying came after eating again.

Yu Feichi ate happily, with a smile on his face, his face was fairer than others, with a healthy blush, and the dishes on the table were basically CD-ROMs for every meal.

These days, the two got along very regularly, and they didn't go out to play anywhere.

Even if they were sitting quietly, both of them were very comfortable and didn't feel bored.

"Aying, can I give you this apartment?" Yu Feichi suddenly said this.

Mo Ying didn't want it, she didn't value these things very much, if she needed them, she could buy them herself.

Yu Feichi seemed to have expected the result and was not depressed. This apartment has been around for several years. From the time he and Mo Ying met until now, it can be said that this apartment has different meanings for the two.

"But I want to give it to you." Yu Feichi wasn't trying to force it, but just expressing his thoughts.

Many times, Yu Feichi was not asking for Mo Ying's opinion, but expressing his own thoughts, such as the matter of pestering Mo Ying to make friends.

Mo Ying was used to Yu Feichi's appearance, so she poured a glass of water for Yu Feichi without making a sound.

Yu Feichi's eyes turned towards a corner, where there was a door that was always closed and the chain was not locked, but Mo Ying never opened it, because when he stepped into the apartment, Yu Feichi once said, You cannot enter that room.
Thank you for the reward of a kind of love that depends on life and death ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

(End of this chapter)

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