Chapter 5
When the crying gradually subsided and only sobbing remained, Sheng Shaoan brought the untouched water and a box of tissues to Mo Ying.

I don't know if Mo Ying was tired from crying or resigned to her fate. She didn't make a big fuss when she met Sheng Shaoan like she did at the beginning.She burped as she took the tissues and water.

Ever since Mo Ying cried, Sheng Shao'an had frowned, and then he relaxed a little.

"It's really a child." Sheng Shaoan didn't know whether he was talking about Mo Ying's crying face or her age.

Mo Ying took out a few tissues to wipe away the tears on her face, then unscrewed the cap of the water bottle, drank most of it in one gulp, and felt a little better after crying hoarsely.

After venting the emotions that had been suppressed in her heart for a long time, Mo Ying realized that she was still fighting with someone.

"Go and wash your face after crying. There are order orders on the dining table. If you are hungry, order something you want." Sheng Shaoan is not good at coaxing children. Hearing that cry is already a headache enough, and his child treats him as Enemy same.

After Sheng Shaoan left these words, he went straight upstairs.

Mo Ying waited for the hiccups to pass, then got up, and after trying the door lock twice unwillingly, stepped into the living room in despair, looking at Sheng Shaoan's residence.

The Mo family is just an ordinary small rich family, more than the lower ones, but far less than the 'uppers' like Sheng Shaoan.

Mo Ying can only think of one word to describe the decoration of this villa, and that is - Hao.

The house is well tidied up, the furniture and decorations are mostly black and white, which makes the house look bright and spacious, but is it too spacious for one person to live in?

Mo Ying walked to the dining table and looked at the order list of a table, the order list of Chinese, Western, Thai and various dishes. Mo Ying has only drank a few sips of water since morning. It is reasonable to be hungry, but today She has already endured too much, and she has no appetite at all.

After Sheng Shaoan took a shower and changed into his home clothes, he saw the person lying on the dining table who had already fallen asleep. Looking at the sleeping face, there were still faint traces of tears, and he knew that he hadn't followed what he said. Yes, wash your face and order food.

Sheng Shaoan is already thirty, even to Mo Zhi who is just in his early twenties, he is considered an old man, but to his little wife who is not yet twenty, he is really an old cow eating young grass.

And people of this age have countless beautiful longings for love, so his little wife is so excited.

There is still a year to be 20 years old...

A person in a dream dreams that she is in a vast ocean, there is nothing around her, only endless water, and she is surrounded by sea water, and the trickling water undulates.

When she woke up, Mo Ying was still immersed in that comfortable dream, and her consciousness was in a daze. After she looked around the environment, she suddenly woke up.She is married!Now at the home of her 'husband' Sheng Shao'an!
The memory flooded back, how dare Mo Ying continue to lie down and reminisce about the wonderful scenery, she quickly sat up, and when she sat up, she found that the bed she was sleeping on was very soft, and there seemed to be something in it, where she pressed her palm, it would go run around.

Mo Ying thought of her dream, it turned out that she was really surrounded by water, it was a water bed.

Curious, Mo Ying raised her hand and pressed it again.

Just when Mo Ying was fiddling, the door of the room opened suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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