Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 1015 Point Shares

Chapter 1015 Point Shares
Ning Xia nodded, "Mom, let me tidy up for you."

They put all the things they had packed into the car, but Ji Xinya in the living room was very anxious.

If Luo Man removes all the things in the warehouse, she really doesn't have much dowry left.

She didn't think about those things for a day or two. Since she was a child, she believed that those things belonged to her.

"Xinya, don't worry, it's fine if you don't give me your mother's things."

Old man Ji sighed, he really didn't seem to have any reason to force Luo Man to give things to Xinya.

After all, Xinya is not Luo Man's child, his eyes fell on Ji Tianyou who was drinking tea slowly.

"God Bless, your sister's wedding dowry is too small, you go to the company to share some shares with Xinya, so you can't let Xinya lose face."

Ji Xinya's eyes lit up immediately, the shares in the family company are a good thing, and she will have a steady stream of money in the account in the future.

It is also a very face-saving thing to say, and no one dares to embarrass her when the time comes at Mo's house.

"Pfft!" Ji Tianyou almost couldn't help spit out, he pointed at Ji Xinya.

"What qualifications does she have for the company's shares???"

"She's your sister!" Old Master Ji pointed at Ji Tianyou with trembling fingers, feeling very annoyed.

None of the children in the family listened to him!
Ji Tianyou snorted lightly, "My real sister is only Xia Xia."

As he said that, he put the cup in his hand heavily on the table, "My mother funded my father to establish this company.

The heir is me, so it won't be Ji Xinya's turn anyway. "

If Ji Xinya hadn't done anything to hurt Xia Xia, if Ji Xinya didn't know about what happened back then, maybe he would have been kinder.

But Ji Xinya not only knows the truth, but also wants to continue to be the eldest lady of the Ji family. The most important thing is that she dares to hurt Xia Xia! ! !

Even if he donated the company's money, he wouldn't give it to Ji Xinya, a white-eyed wolf!

Elder Ji was so angry that he wanted to roll his eyes again, Ji Zeyang glared at Ji Tianyou again and again.

"God bless, don't say a few words, your grandfather is not in good health."

"Grandpa said it on his own initiative, and besides, I'm not wrong."

Ji Tianyou curled his lips, and had no intention of drinking tea, but obediently waited for Ning Xia and his mother to come down.

The corner of Mr. Ji's mouth twitched angrily, "God bless, look at your good son!

No matter what, this company also has your share, and it is normal for you to share it with your own children! "

Seeing that Ji Tianyou couldn't explain it this time, the old man could only take a roundabout route. He knew that his son's ears were soft.

Ji Xinya comforted Mr. Ji, and then patted Mr. Ji's back carefully.

"Grandpa, don't be angry. Your body is the most important thing. Dad loves me the most. Don't worry."

She looked at Ji Zeyang expectantly, making Ji Zeyang feel uncomfortable, and he glanced at his son Ji Tianyou hesitantly.

"God bless."

"Oh, I don't care if you give it to me or not, anyway, my mother will protect Xia Xia and me."

There was a sarcasm on the corner of Ji Tianyou's lips. He actually had the most shares in his hand now, but his father and mother still had [-]% of the shares.

So even if Ji Zeyang was confused and gave the shares to Ji Xinya, he would find a way to make Ji Xinya spit it out.

As for the [-]% of the mother's shares, he will not interfere, even if it is for his younger sister Ningxia, he will support it with both hands.

But he just couldn't give Ji Xinya that white-eyed wolf. Thinking of Ji Xinya framed Ningxia before, his heart was full of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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