Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 1019 each with their own minds

Chapter 1019 each with their own minds

"Hello! I'm Ji Xinya, I'm looking for my aunt."

Ji Xinya bit her lip, now let's see what attitude the Ning family has.

Ji Qing didn't make her wait too long, and soon Ji Qing's voice came from the microphone.

"Xinya, I know you are going to get married, how are you preparing recently?"

"Auntie, I don't have a dowry!"

Ji Xinya's tone was coquettish, she knew that Ji Qing always loved her, so she knew how to fight for more things for herself.

"What??? Didn't your grandfather prepare a dowry for you? What about your father?"

Ji Qing's voice was a little anxious. She really loves Ji Xinya's daughter.

Ji Xinya squinted her eyes, stroked her stomach with her hands, and then told about Luo Man's return today, and finally said:
"Auntie, I have nothing now. Fortunately, I'm still pregnant. I shouldn't have a bad life when I marry into Mo's house."

"Xinya, you silly boy, I'll come back sometime and visit your grandpa."

Ji Qing wiped her tears in distress. The reason why she dropped the two children back then was because she hoped that her daughter could live a better life.

But she didn't expect her daughter to have no dowry at all, so she couldn't help but think of the dowry she had prepared for Ning Xuan.

Thinking that Ning Xuan is still in jail, Ji Qing suppressed her thoughts again, Xinya has always been smart and will not live a bad life.

But Xuanxuan will have nothing after she is released from prison, these dowries are the foundation of Xuanxuan's life.

In fact, Ji Xinya made this call because she thought of Ning Xuan's dowry, and she complained on the phone.

"Auntie, grandpa probably has nothing to do this time, after all, grandpa doesn't have anything in his hand."

"I'll come back to find your father then."

Ji Qing gritted her teeth, Ji Zeyang is her brother after all, but now he treats her daughter so badly, thinking about Ji Qing, she will also resent Ji Zeyang.

Ji Xinya secretly scolded Ji Qing for not being honest at all, and she deliberately mentioned Ning Xuan.

"Auntie, don't worry, I will live well in the future, and I will find a way to get Sister Xuanxuan to come out, after all, she is my cousin."

"Good boy, I believe in you."

Ji Qing was a little moved. Although the two sisters, Xuanxuan and Xinya, didn't grow up together, they still have a very good relationship. They are worthy of being sisters.

Seeing that Ji Qing didn't get to the point, Ji Xinya finally couldn't help but say:

"Auntie, I remember that you prepared a dowry for Sister Xuanxuan. She is in prison now, so she definitely won't need it. Can you lend me her dowry for appearance."

"Xinya, what do you mean? Xuanxuan is always coming out."

Ji Qing had already thought about it, Xuanxuan had been in prison, and it would be difficult to find a partner in the future, so she prepared more dowry, so that Xuanxuan would not have a miserable life in the future.

Ji Xinya lowered her posture, "Auntie, think about it, if I live well in Mo's house in the future, I can introduce a good partner to Sister Xuanxuan.

Besides, when Sister Xuanxuan comes out, my child has already been born. After I gain a firm foothold in Mo's house, will I still worry about not being able to give Sister Xuanxuan a dowry? "

Ji Qing was very moved by what she said word by word, but Ji Qing also knew that it was best not to touch the money if she could, so she didn't agree immediately.

"Xinya, listen to me, don't worry, let's think of other ways first, your father and you have been in love for so many years, I will persuade them, they will definitely buy you a decent dowry.

If the Ji family really can't give you any dowry, shall we make this plan? "

(End of this chapter)

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