Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 1030 What qualifications do you have to laugh at her

Chapter 1030 What qualifications do you have to laugh at her
When Mo Chen wanted to stop it, it was too late, and everyone in the hospital corridor could hear Ji Xinya screaming.

Immediately, someone complained dissatisfiedly, "How rich are you? Who hasn't planted land before!"

"That's right, my father-in-law and mother-in-law used to be farmers who planted the land, and they sent my husband to college through hard work, and my husband is still promising!"

"My grandma's house is in the countryside, and I can eat a lot of delicious food every year when I go back. My grandpa and grandma may have done it."

"Whoever said that rural people are worthless and uneducated, some farmers in the countryside are much better than some people who only know how to look down on others."

"Oh, I really thought I was so noble, I thought I was an ancient young lady."

Seeing more and more people accusing her, Ji Xinya panicked and wanted to catch Mo Chen.

But Mo Chen doesn't want to have anything to do with her at all now, otherwise he might be the one everyone should blame.

When Ji Xinya went to catch him, Mo Chen couldn't help taking a step back, Ning Xia immediately sneered and said:
"This is your fiancé who is better than my man, he only knows how to shrink back when encountering things, but I don't think he can compare to my husband at all.

After all, my husband will always protect me behind me, even a muddy leg is better than your husband. "

"Xia Xia, what's going on?"

Luo Man, who came out of the bathroom, broke through the crowd and came in, then stood in front of Ning Xia and supported her.

Ningxia sneered and said, "Mom, I'm fine, it's just that some people rely on their own status and look down on me and my husband as farmers."

"Ji Xinya, do you know that Ji's family has been farmers for several generations?"

Luo Man glared at Ji Xinya angrily. Although someone in his ancestors became an imperial cook, they eventually disappeared.

When she thought of Ji Xinya insulting Ningxia with her identity as Ningxia, her heart ached like a needle.

Ji Xinya was pitiful, "Mom, I'm also your daughter, why do you treat me so differently?"

The onlookers were stunned. It turned out that this was a quarrel between two sisters.

But what does the girl say about the other girl being a bumpkin and a mud-leg?

"It turned out that the two sisters were arguing."

"I don't think they look alike."

"This is someone else's housework, we'd better not get involved."

"Don't go, just watch the excitement!"

"The two sisters not only look alike, but also have completely different personalities."

"That's not necessarily the case. I don't think the temperaments of the two sisters will differ too much."

Seeing that everyone's speech has improved, Ji Xinya slightly curled her lips, since she wanted to admit everyone's abuse.

It's best for her to be with Ningxia, otherwise why would she be attacked by these people!
Luo Man was protecting Ningxia, then looked at Ji Xinya and said heartbroken:
"Xinya, you say I'm biased, but you've been my daughter for 20 years and enjoyed the good life of our family for 20 years.

What about my daughter?She was thrown to the countryside by your own mother to fend for herself. Everything you have now should have belonged to our family, Xia Xia. What right do you have to laugh at her?

If you still have a little conscience, don't fool our old man against Xia Xia and return everything that belongs to Xia Xia to her! "

When she said this, she was really sad in her heart, and she often thought of Xia Xia's abuse of Xia Xia by her pair of superb adoptive parents.

Luo Man even wanted to strangle Ji Qing to death right now, not to mention Ji Xinya who enjoyed Xia Xia's identity.

(End of this chapter)

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