Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 337 Is there some misunderstanding?

Chapter 337 Is there some misunderstanding?
Jiang Yuan bit the tip of her tongue to calm herself down. This time she did not enter the next round.

If there were only Ning Xia on the other side, she would not be afraid.

However, the other party also had a young lady. Although the identity of the other party was unknown, those bodyguards were scary enough.

In case of conflict, she was no match for the other party, so she forced herself not to speak, just lowered her head.

Wei Xiong smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry everyone, my wife has never thought of what she said, and I hope you don't care about it."

Although he knew he would definitely blame himself if he went back to Jiang Yuan, Wei Xiong had no choice.

The most important thing now is not to offend this aunt, otherwise, as Jiang Yuan's husband, he will definitely end up in the same misery!
Jiang Li sneered, and casually glanced at Jiang Yuan:
"What you said is very reasonable. Your wife really doesn't have a brain. It's best not to bully Ningxia in the future, or I will let you go around endlessly!"

Ningxia and the others were taken aback by Jiang Li's defensive appearance, but Jiang Li didn't care so much, but smiled and hugged Ning Xia again.

"I can't wait to try your craft now, let's go back to the hotel first."

"Okay, Yueyue, let's go." Ning Xia bent her lips, and Ren Yue naturally agreed happily.

The few of them went back to the hotel with their bodyguards.

And Li Zhen stayed there, waiting for the host to announce the end!By the way, learn about tomorrow's final game.

Looking at the backs of the three girls, Jiang Yuan's silver teeth were about to be crushed by himself.

She pinched her fingertips, her eyes were scarlet, as if she had been greatly shocked.

Ningxia!Ren Yue!You guys are doing great!She hates she hates! ! !
With her appearance, Wei Xiong, as a husband, dare not mess with her, because he really knows her too well.

But Li Zhen likes to add insult to injury, he laughed at Yan Yan.

"Ms. Jiang, logically I should call you Aunt Jiang, but my father doesn't like it, so I can only call you Ms. Jiang.

I just want to remind you, don't provoke the Ren family, otherwise your ancestors might climb out of the grave and strangle you to death. "

He implied that Jiang Yuan would destroy the previous foundation of the Jiang family. If the ancestor who stayed in the imperial dining room knew about it, he would not wake up in anger.

Jiang Yuan's face was green and white, she hooked her lips suddenly.

"I hope that you, like your father, will never be able to be with the one you love in the future."

This may be the most uncomfortable punishment for a man, don't think she can't see Li Zhen's doting on Ren Yue!

"Ms. Jiang, did you misunderstand yourself? My father has already told my mother everything about you and my father.

Even though you are my father's first love, that youthful feeling can't be worn out by time, nor can it be worn out by your ruthlessness. The person my father loves has always been my mother. "

Li Zhen snorted lightly, maybe her father liked her at first.

But not only is she paranoid, so are her parents, even though her father was uncomfortable when they first separated.

But after marrying his mother, his father fell in love with his mother's gentleness and kindness.

Jiang Yuan's face became ugly again, but Li Zhen had no intention of talking to her, but stared intently at the host on stage.

When Wei Xiong next to Jiang Yuan heard these words, he clenched his fist tightly.

Veins popped up on his fist, even though he knew that this woman didn't have himself in her heart after marriage, but hearing it with his own ears, he still felt very depressed.

And Jiang Yuan didn't seem to have any intention of explaining to him, this ignorance made his eyes stained with layers of anger!

(End of this chapter)

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