Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 341 Watching him take care of "myself"

Chapter 341 Watching him take care of "myself"

"Go for a walk, digest and digest." Ningxia's lips were slightly stained with a smile.

This kind of Jiangli is completely different from what I have seen before, maybe they will really become good friends.

Jiang Li wrinkled her face, "I'm so stupid, I ate too much at once."

"Sister Jiangli, I'll take you downstairs for a walk."

Ren Yue blinked at Ningxia and Ren Hui, brother and sister-in-law, hurry up.

Look how good I am, creating opportunities for you everywhere.

Ning Xia couldn't laugh or cry at Ren Yue's suggestion, "Then I should clean up the dishes here?"

"No, no, I'll call the staff to clean up." Jiang Li quickly made a phone call, and a hotel staff came after a while.

Seeing this, Ren Hui curled his lips, and said expressionlessly, "I'm going back to my room first."

He went back to his room and waited for his wife, who would definitely understand what he meant.

Knowing Ren Hui's temperament, Jiang Li naturally didn't say much, and Ren Yue quickly took Jiang Li for a walk.

Ning Xia naturally returned to the room on the grounds that she was a little tired.

But she went back to Ren Hui's room, and as soon as she knocked on the door, she was dragged in by the people in the room.

"Xia Xia, I miss you so much." The man said as he pushed her against the wall, his thin lips slightly raised.

Ningxia rolled her eyes angrily, "You, you were at Jiangli's side just now, so you don't know how to restrain yourself."

"There is no restraint in my dictionary, my dear daughter-in-law."

Ren Hui smiled charmingly, his deep eyes were full of that beautiful figure, with his Xia Xia, he really couldn't control himself.

Ning Xia took a gouging look at Ren Hui, pushed him away, and rubbed his temples.

"I'm a little tired, so I have to wash up first."

"Okay, then hurry up." Ren Hui curled his lips, lying comfortably on the sofa and waiting for Ningxia.

When Ning Xia came out, he smiled and pressed her shoulder.

"Aren't you tired? Come, let me rub your shoulders."

"Okay." Ning Xia lay down comfortably, her eyes narrowed slightly, enjoying the man's massage.

Looking at Ningxia's Muyuefu exposed outside, Ren Hui's eyes deepened.

"Daughter-in-law, are you going to leave after the game?"

Ning Xia opened his sleepy eyes, "Yes, we will go back after the game.

By the way, are you still going home to celebrate the New Year this year? This is me, this is the first year I married and spent with you this year. "

She originally wanted to say that this was the first year I spent with you after my rebirth, but she immediately changed her words.

He simply didn't show his mouth, otherwise it would be really difficult to explain to Ah Hui.

Ren Hui sighed helplessly, "Mr. Jiang will be here for a while, so I don't know how long it will take to go back.

I will try my best to come back and celebrate the New Year with you. "

"Well, then I'll wait for you at home." Ning Xia lay on her arms, narrowing her eyes slightly.

After a busy day today, she was a little tired, enjoying the man's massage, her breathing gradually became steady.

Seeing his daughter-in-law like this, Ren Hui helplessly covered her with a quilt.

After washing, he quickly got into the warm bed, and then took the sleeping Ning Xia into his arms.

I don't know when it started, but he seems to have gotten used to falling asleep with her.

As if this is such a beautiful and happy thing.

Ning Xia, who was sleeping, fell into her previous life again. She stood in the bedroom, watching Ren Hui coaxing "her" to eat.

"Hey, Xia Xia, you need to eat more meat."

Ren Hui gently wiped the rice grains from the corner of her mouth, deep in her eyes was deep love.

(End of this chapter)

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