Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 352 Rejecting Lin Muyuan

Chapter 352 Rejecting Lin Muyuan

It seems that Zong Liang's first place is expected by everyone, and no one has any objection to this result.

Everyone looked at Zong Liang with admiration, even Jiang Yuan, who had a bad attitude towards Ningxia, admired Zong Liang.

Since then, Jiang Yuan has no intention of embarrassing Ningxia anymore, after all, when a person is much taller than herself, all she has left is to look up.

Maybe they're not at the same height now.

The host looked at the excited audience and waved their hands, and everyone immediately fell silent.

He said loudly: "The rewards for this competition will be announced soon, No. 1 is 2 yuan in cash, No. 3 is [-] yuan in cash, and No. [-] is [-] yuan in cash.

In addition, the top three will get the right to supply the H Province International Hotel! "

Hearing this, there was a gasp from below, no one in the food industry would be short of these hundreds of dollars.

The most important thing is this supply right, which will bring countless profits in the future.

Ning Xia was overjoyed, she blinked at Ren Yue and Li Zhen who were in the audience.

Ren Yue was overjoyed and tugged at Li Zhen's sleeves, "Wow, Brother Zhen, sister-in-law is so amazing, sister-in-law is really amazing!!!"

"Yes, this time our factory has a stable supply right before it even opens."

Li Zhen was also very happy, and he was very grateful that he had reached a cooperation with Ningxia.

If it wasn't for her, their factory wouldn't be progressing so smoothly.

Seeing them so happy, Jiang Li sighed.

"Ningxia's craftsmanship is so good, you guys are really happy, I don't have many chances to eat it, alas!"

"What's the matter, I'll send you some when the time comes." Ren Yue patted Jiang Li on the shoulder.

After a period of contact, she also knew that Jiang Li's personality was similar to what her sister-in-law said.

Naturally, he also regarded Jiang Li as his friend.

Jiang Li was overjoyed when she heard this, "Okay, then don't lie to me, I'll wait."

"Of course I won't lie to you." Ning Xia, who just came down from the high platform, smiled sweetly. If it wasn't for Jiang Li's help, she would have been able to complete it independently this time. After all, she had lost her chance.

After all, she spent too much time this time to make the pastries more delicate.

The crowd of onlookers had already dispersed, and at this time, the purchasers of some hotel department stores couldn't wait to find the person in charge of each pastry.

It was at this time that Lin Muyuan came over, and he smiled gently at Ningxia.

"Ningxia, I didn't expect your craftsmanship to be so good."

"Thank you for the compliment!" Ning Xia smiled lightly, but Lin Muyuan had already expressed his intention.

"Our restaurant also needs some pastries. I have taken a fancy to your craftsmanship."

"Okay, but you have to talk to our boss about this, let me introduce you, this is our boss of Baiwei, Li Zhen.

Boss Li is in charge of the purchase of pastries. "

Ning Xia pointed at Li Zhen and smiled at Lin Muyuan, Lin Muyuan naturally understood what she meant.

"Hello, Boss Li, I'm Lin Muyuan from Tongfu Restaurant."

"Hello, may I ask?" Li Zhen and Lin Muyuan chatted quickly, and after a while, they confirmed the quantity to be purchased and so on.

And those who came to Ningxia were pushed to Li Zhen by Ningxia, and Li Zhen was very happy to be busy alone.

After talking with Li Zhen, Lin Muyuan chatted with Ningxia personally.

"Ningxia, I'm the host today, treat you to dinner?"

"No, next time. We're leaving tomorrow. Boss Li probably has a lot of things to do."

Ning Xia smiled slightly, she was leaving tomorrow, that guy Ah Hui definitely wanted them to be together, so she had no choice but to refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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