Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 358 Observation Again

Chapter 358 Observation Again

"Anyway, I have to observe Li Zhen again." Ren Hui was upset.

It seems that the daughter-in-law has a good impression of Li Zhen, and Li Zhen is really scheming.

It was as good as what he had back then.

Seeing the man's awkward appearance, Ning Xia raised her lips in a funny way.

But she didn't say any more, because she knew Ah Hui's temperament, Yueyue was his sister, if it wasn't for her in the previous life, he would definitely test that man well.

It's a pity that he was so focused on saving her that he didn't have time to test that man.

As a result, Yueyue did not marry a beloved man in the end, and in this life, she and Ahui will help Yueyue check it out.

Ning Xia got up and went to the bathroom, and lay down habitually after washing.

By the time Ren Hui finished washing, she was already in a daze and was about to fall asleep.

"Daughter-in-law, you are leaving tomorrow."

Ren Hui hugged Ningxia, his tone was filled with indescribable grievances, he didn't want to be separated from his wife.

Ning Xia sighed softly, "You're on a mission now, there's nothing you can do about it.

But I will wait for you to go home for the New Year. "

"I'll try my best." Ren Hui's fingertips slid across Ning Xia's hair, and a fresh fragrance poured into his nose.

His body froze, the wife is so wonderful, no wonder some people say that the child's wife is hot on the bed.

Ning Xia didn't know that Ren Hui's mind had wandered, she leaned against his arms.

"I will study medicine well when I go back. Although I can't be as good as you, I can go on missions with you in the future and be your assistant, so we don't have to be separated."

She knows that there are many enemies in the dark, so she has to work hard to make herself able to protect herself.

Even if she can't help Ah Hui in the future, at least she won't hold her back. She thinks maybe she was the one who held her back in her previous life.

"Don't work so hard, it's because I'm protecting you."

Ren Hui's voice was a little hoarse, and it sounded a little hoarse.

He doesn't want her to be too tired, because he will always be by her side to protect her.

Ning Xia wrapped his arms around his waist, smiling in the corners of his eyes and brows.

"I know, but I don't want you to be too tired."

"Huh?" Ren Hui raised his eyebrows, his words were bewitching, "But I really think how tired I am."

As he said that, he turned over, and his lips fell gently on her face.

The one who is close to me is my lover, and the two of them like this kind of intimacy.

He hugged her tenderly, while she closed her eyes tenderly.

"Xia Xia, you are really a troublesome little girl (demon) mother (spirit)." Ren Hui still doesn't know why she is unwilling to go to the last step with him.

But he would respect her wishes, so it was very uncomfortable to endure.

In fact, Ning Xia didn't want to, she gritted her teeth in her mind, "Xiao Ling, one day I will be tortured to death."

【Master, you in the future will thank me for restraining you now. 】

Ning Xia blocked Xiao Ling in annoyance, and the man was looking at her aggrieved.

(End of this chapter)

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