Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 364 Arranged Marriage

Chapter 364 Arranged Marriage
Li Juhua was righteous when she said that, if she didn't know the truth, Ningxia would have been deceived by her.

Countries seem to owe each other an Oscar.

"Whether what this chrysanthemum said is true or not, Team Leader Zhang doesn't seem like such a person."

"I don't dare to say that, no matter how they are, they are leaders."

"You believe in a ghost. It's not like you don't understand Li Juhua. Team leader Zhang is right about a person who steals, rapes and plays tricks."

"Then what Li Juhua said is true or not, is the team leader's younger brother really pestering her daughter?"

"I don't believe it, just like Li Juhua, her daughter is not much better."

"That's right, usually I can't get used to her the most, she looks down on others."

"Yes, every time she goes to work, she is lazy, thinking that others don't know."

Listening to the discussions of the people around her, Ningxia was a little surprised. It seemed that the recruiters had some discernment.

These people have good character, at least they don't follow others' advice.

It's just that Li Juhua, Ningxia helplessly raised his forehead, and wondered if the other party's acting skills were so good that he deceived the recruiters.

Zhang Fang was about to explode right now, pointing at Li Juhua, she also had to take care of her own image.

The daughter-in-law said that it is better to be in the village now, and not to quarrel with Li Juhua like a shrew. She took a deep breath.

"Li Juhua, don't go too far, your daughter was the one who wanted a divorce.

how?Seeing my younger brother grow up now, and stick to him again?
What's more, I really can't understand your sneaky appearance. The factory recruited you to work, not to recruit you for nothing! "

Thinking of Li Juhua's lazy appearance in the factory, Zhang Fang's liver hurts with anger.

She has endured enough, now that she thinks about it, she is really an idiot, will she keep this anger to death?

Li Juhua didn't know what the other party was thinking, but looked at Zhang Fang coldly with her arms around her chest.

"Are you sure you want to fire me? Don't regret it then!"

"Of course, my mother never lied." Ning Xia, who had never had a sense of presence, walked past the crowd, and then glanced coolly at Li Juhua.

For such a superb product, their family does not want to see it again.

Seeing Ning Xia's beautiful face, Li Juhua couldn't restrain her jealousy.

She screamed: "Ning Xia, don't think it's good for you to marry into Ren's family!
Your man hasn't come back for a long time, he actually doesn't want to marry you at all, yes, it's an arranged marriage after all.

Look at Ren Hui, that's a college student, and look at you, a village girl, don't laugh at me now, you will be the one who will be driven away later! "

"Finished? Security, get her out!"

Ning Xia's eyes were slightly cold, A Hui was her bottom line, although she knew that A Hui was not such a person.

But this person insulted her and Ah Hui like this, which really made her very unhappy.

Now she doesn't even want to talk nonsense to this person.

The others didn't know Ningxia's identity, but the security guards did. When the little boss spoke, these people immediately kicked out Li Juhua, who was still cursing.

"This girl is the daughter-in-law of the team leader? She looks really good!"

"Is that the daughter-in-law of the man who often follows the boss? That man looks good, but his temper is too cold."

"No, that's the team leader's second son, this is the team leader's eldest daughter-in-law."

"I've never met the leader's eldest son."

"Could it be that what Li Juhua said is true, that the eldest son doesn't like his daughter-in-law?"

(End of this chapter)

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