Chapter 374
[Yes, master, you are now in the world you are in, already equivalent to half a master level. 】

"Happy!" Ning Xia raised her eyebrows, and picked up the chopsticks that were left aside with a smile on her face.

Putting a piece of preserved egg into her mouth, the delicious feeling made her squint her eyes.

It's not that she is narcissistic, she has never eaten such a delicious cold preserved egg.

After eating a plate of preserved eggs made by herself, Ning Xia tidied up the kitchen contentedly, and then went back to her room to take an extremely comfortable bath.

I don't know when it started, Ningxia used to take a bath after practicing cooking.

Maybe it was because the kitchen did smell of oily smoke, so she didn't want that smell to remain on her body.

After washing Ningxia, I remembered that after I upgraded, it seemed that I could consummate the house with my husband.

So excited, so excited!Ning Xia rolled on her bed.

When Ah Hui comes back, will they be able to develop further?

Just thinking about her makes her heart beat faster and her face has a fever.

Her Ah Hui, her Ah Hui, Ah Hui.
【Master, there is something Xiaoling wants to tell you. 】

"Don't talk, I have a bad feeling."

Ning Xia covered her head with a quilt, and every time Xiao Ling said that, it was a disappointment.

She don't listen, don't listen, don't listen
[About the male master, does the master also want to know? 】

About Ah Hui, I want to know, Ning Xia, who was entangled, lifted the quilt and pouted.

"Little Ling, do you know that sometimes you are such a disappointment."

[Little Ling's duty is to make the master and the male master better. 】

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Ning Xia brushed her hair with a low voice.

[The master thought right just now, the master has already advanced, so he can have a relationship with the male master, and the male master can also enter the space. 】

"Really? That's great!!!" Ning Xia's eyes widened, and her little face was flushed red because of happiness.

[Theoretically yes, but]

"Stop! I don't want to hear it but!" Ning Xia covered her ears, she knew it, she knew that Xiaoling Xiaoling was going to go online again.

【Master, if you don't listen to this matter, you will regret it later. 】

Xiaoling's voice sounded a bit earnest, and at the end he added:
[This has a very important relationship with the hero's reaching the pinnacle of life! 】

"Let's talk." Ning Xia twitched her mouth helplessly, it was the law of true fragrance that couldn't be escaped.

[If the host upgrades to another level and consummates the marriage with the host, the host will get a big gift package. 】

"How big is it? I have to think about it." Although Ningxia was a little reluctant, it was related to Ah Hui, so she had to be more rational.

[The unique gift bag in this world can be compared with the owner's space. 】

"It's really that big?" Ning Xia raised his eyebrows. If it's really that big, it seems that he can take a risk and try Ang.

【Master, I never lie. 】

"I'll think about it." Having said that, Ning Xia was still quite conflicted.

She frowned and thought, since she and Ah Hui are already connected, if she keeps refusing, will Ah Hui think that she doesn't like him?

But I am also for the future of two people.

She used to be able to enter the space so that Ah Hui could enter the space. Wait, so that Ah Hui can enter the space?
[Xiao Ling, I have upgraded now, and the relationship between me and Ahui has also stabilized, so is Ahui eligible to enter the space now? 】

(End of this chapter)

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