Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 382 Thought I Was Hallucinating

Chapter 382 Thought I Was Hallucinating

Ningxia had guessed Yang Chunju's reaction at this time, but she didn't regret doing so at all.

It's really that Yang Chunju is too annoying, and she is worried about A Hui, so she is in a bad mood, and she can be happy no matter how happy she is.

As for how Yang Chunju will untie the pig's head powder, she doesn't care.

Anyway, it will disappear automatically after a month. She won't tell the other party how to detoxify.

Ningxia's mood improved a lot after giving Yang Chunju a slap in the face. She didn't care about the follow-up of Yang Chunju's incident, but Shi Shiran went home.

On the night of the New Year's Eve, the whole family had a happy New Year's Eve dinner, and Ning Xia was a little out of his mind until he returned to his room.

Ren's family members knew the reason for Ningxia's behavior, but there was nothing they could do about it, and they were already used to it.

Ren Yue couldn't help but feel sorry for Ning Xia, "Sister-in-law, don't feel bad, maybe big brother will come back tomorrow."

"I'm fine, I just miss your elder brother a little bit, and I don't know how he is now?"

Ning Xia sighed, this was the first year she lived after marrying him.

How she wished to spend time with him.

"Sister-in-law, my elder brother is also true. It is important to perform tasks, and so is my sister-in-law!"

Ren Yue couldn't help curling her lips, and secretly spurned her elder brother in her heart.

Such a good sister-in-law, don't be tossed away by the elder brother.

"Okay, go back to your room and sleep, I'm fine." Ning Xia pushed Ren Yue, and Ren Yue had no choice but to go back to her room.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Ning Xia felt that her heart was astringent. In fact, understanding is one thing, but feeling sad is another.

well!During this reunion, I really miss him.

Ning Xia sighed helplessly, looking out of the window, it will be a new year soon.

It was getting closer and closer to dawn, and Ningxia herself didn't know what she was waiting for.

Maybe if you wait a little longer, you can wait for the person you want to wait for.

She leaned against the window, resting her chin on her hand, feeling very melancholy.

"Xia Xia, I'm back."

Suddenly a hoarse voice sounded, and Ning Xia only saw the very familiar figure in front of the window.

She rubbed her eyes in disbelief, thinking she was hallucinating.

"Ah Hui, are you back?"

She asked with some uncertainty, her expression was a little dazed, and she had already opened the window with her hand.

"It's me, it's really me." Ren Hui's eyes were very complicated, it seemed that the daughter-in-law really thought badly about herself.

That's why I thought that my return was an illusion.

He turned over and crawled in, hugging the person he had been thinking about day and night in his arms.

Then without caring too much, holding her was a hot *-* kiss.

After the kiss was over, Ning Xia felt a little dizzy, her eyes widened.

"Ah Hui, you're really back. I thought you wouldn't come back this year for the New Year."

"How come, why am I willing to let you celebrate the New Year alone."

Ren Hui pampered her and scratched her nose, smiling wickedly, the next second Ning Xia punched his wound coquettishly, and he couldn't help but let out a muffled snort.

"What's going on? Didn't you say you weren't injured?" Ning Xia glared at Ren Hui sullenly.

How could someone who wasn't hurt make such a muffled noise?It was clear that she accidentally got his wound just now.

Ren Hui rubbed his nose embarrassingly, "Daughter-in-law, I'm fine, I'm not hurt, really!"

He thought that after resting for more than ten days, the wound should be fine now.

But I was too excited to see my daughter-in-law just now, and with her light hammer, I guess the wound was opened.

But he still didn't want his wife to worry, so he insisted that it was all right.

(End of this chapter)

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