Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 386 Over the Wall

Chapter 386 I came back over the wall

She held his hand coyly, "But Xiao Ling said, if I upgrade to another level and become a real couple, I will give you a big gift package, so I want to wait."

Speaking of the latter, she was a little apprehensive, as it seemed unfair to Ah Hui.

But she has actually thought it over carefully, they still have enemies in the dark, so she has to seize every opportunity to make herself and Ah Hui stronger.

Xiaoling said that this gift bag can be compared with space, what if it is a very powerful killer?

"That's it?" Ren Hui held her face and kissed her before saying, "It's okay, I can wait."

At first, he thought that Xia Xia didn't like him that much, so he rejected him.

After learning the real reason, he is now full of joy in his heart.

His Xia Xia, so he loves him so much.

He is thinking about himself anytime and anywhere, how could he not love Xia Xia like this.

"Really...really?" Ning Xia's beautiful eyes widened. Didn't it mean that men attach great importance to this.

So she thought Ah Hui would be unhappy.

After all, they had been married for a long time, and she kept rejecting him.

Ren Hui held her hand and said sincerely, "Really, I am willing to wait, and your husband and I are injured now, so it is not suitable."

In fact, what he was thinking was that he was injured now, how could he do it in such a situation for the first time.

What if the daughter-in-law thinks she can't do it?
He can't let his wife misunderstand.

"That's right, you're injured now, let's not think so much and have a good rest."

Ningxia suddenly realized that it is really not suitable for him to be injured now, so she seemed to be entangled for nothing.

Ren Hui chuckled, "Well, I will always remember Xia Xia's kindness to me."

"You haven't told me yet, how did you come back this time? Is the task completed?"

Ning Xia stared at him seriously with sleepy eyes. If he passed the master's assessment, he would be free this time.

Ren Hui pondered for a moment, "No, because I was injured, Mr. Jiang asked me to go home for the New Year, and I still have to go there after the New Year."

"Okay." Ning Xia had such an expression, but didn't ask any more questions.

I slept until I woke up naturally the next day, because I slept in the space, so the quality of sleep was particularly good.

Plus her biological clock, so she wakes up at seven.

Looking up at the sleeping man, Ning Xia's eyes softened, and she looked at him quietly for a while.

She got up and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. As soon as it was brought to the living room, the man had already washed up and came out.

"Come and have breakfast." Ning Xia set the breakfast, Ren Hui had already walked over, and then kissed her on the lips.

"Good morning kiss, daughter-in-law."

"Husband, early, let's go out after eating, or Mom will think something is wrong with me."

Ning Xia was also in a good mood, so he made a special breakfast for him, because such an opportunity is really rare.

"Well, it's delicious." Ren Hui nodded, and the two finished their breakfast quickly, Zhang Fang and Ren Rong hadn't gotten up yet.

They were too busy in the factory during this time, and they were too tired, so they were still falling asleep.

Ningxia simply brought the breakfast made in the space outside, which was simple fried eggs and pancakes.

They don't know if they made it in the kitchen anyway.

After setting it up, Ren Yue just came out, and her eyes widened when she saw Ren Hui.

"Big...Brother, when did you come back!"

"Last night, I came back late, so I didn't tell you. Go ask your second brother and parents to have breakfast."

Ren Hui raised his lips slightly, apparently in a good mood.

When Zhang Fang and the others came out, they were stunned, and Ren Lei couldn't help joking.

"Brother, you didn't knock on the door when you came back, so you didn't come in over the wall, did you?"

A good wall was erected outside the Ren family's yard, so Ren Hui really came in through the wall last night.

He touched his nose in embarrassment, Ning Xia had already rescued him.

"No, I opened the door last night. He came back late, and you were all asleep. We were afraid of disturbing you, so our movements were very light."

"Really?" Ren Lei looked at Ren Hui with a half-smile, his elder brother was obviously guilty.

Ren Hui smiled embarrassingly, "Of course it's true, ah, by the way, Happy New Year, Mom and Dad."

"Mom and Dad, Happy New Year!" Ning Xia also looked at Zhang Fang and Ren Rong with a smile.

Being interrupted by Ren Lei, she almost forgot that today is the first day of junior high school.

Ren Rong and Zhang Fang were very happy, "Happy New Year, Happy New Year to you all.

Xiaxia, Xiaohui, mom hopes to have a grandson this year. "

Zhang Fang was so happy when her son came back at night, she smiled wrinkled all over her face.

Last night, I was worried that my daughter-in-law would be too sad, but I didn't expect my son to be on the right track.

"We will work hard." Ren Hui glanced at Ning Xia meaningfully, then nodded obediently.

Zhang Fang has already taken out several big red envelopes from her pocket, "Good good good! Come on!
Come on, this is the New Year's money for you, take it all away. "

"Mom, we don't need it." Ning Xia was a little embarrassed, thinking about how old she was, it was embarrassing to ask for New Year's money.

But Ren Yue said directly: "Sister-in-law, keep it, our family has it every year, no matter how much, it's just a meaning."

"Yes, sister-in-law, I'll take it too." Ren Lei smiled slightly, he was older than Ning Xia.

This New Year is also auspicious!
Ning Xia nodded in embarrassment, Zhang Fang had already sent everyone a red envelope.

After returning to the room after breakfast, Ning Xia glared at Ren Hui coquettishly.

"Ahui, did you really climb the wall last night?"

If her uncle hadn't mentioned it, she wouldn't have thought of it.

"That's not to disturb your rest." Ren Hui touched his nose with an embarrassed expression.

Ning Xia couldn't help being a little amused, "You really are, you still have injuries on your body.

By the way, put on new clothes quickly, and go out to pay New Year's greetings later. "

Ningxia said as he found out the new clothes for him from the closet, a dark coat.

Ren Hui put it on obediently, and then kissed her on the lips.

"My daughter-in-law is so virtuous, I am so happy."

"You! Your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter. There is really no woman you can't catch up with."

Ning Xia rolled her eyes angrily, it is undeniable that she is very happy in her heart.

She also likes Ah Hui's intimacy.

Ren Hui grabbed her hand and interlocked his fingers, "But I'm vulgar, I just want to chase you, other women are the same in my eyes."

"Poor, I newly knitted this for you, take it with you."

Ning Xia put the black scarf on for him, then nodded in satisfaction.

"I have good eyesight."

"That is, my daughter-in-law has the best vision, otherwise how could she find such a good husband like me?"

Ren Hui raised his brows proudly, and his thin lips curled into a curve.

Ning Xia suddenly smiled, and poked his face with his finger, "What are you talking about, I'm talking about a scarf."

(End of this chapter)

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