Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 391 Poor people must have something to hate

Chapter 391 Poor people must have something to hate

"Oh." Ning Xia didn't want to say any more, just played with her fingers with downcast eyes.

Seeing that Ningxia was unmoved, Fourth Gu's grandma immediately snorted coldly.

"Xiaohui's daughter-in-law, I'm an elder. If I tell Xiaohui that you don't respect your elders, he can divorce his wife. If you don't have a family, you can only be kicked out."

She looked at Ningxia proudly, because of this, she was determined to win.

After all, she was afraid that her man would divorce her at that time, so she decided that Ning Xia was also afraid of Ren Hui.

Ningxia bent her lips with a half-smile, "Go ahead and talk to Ah Hui, I'll wait."

How could her Ah Hui be confused by the other party's rhetoric, she naturally didn't believe it.

However, in the eyes of the fourth aunt, Ning Xia's ignorance of Ren Hui was due to her indifference to Ren Hui.

So she immediately widened her eyes, "Oh my God! You don't care about Xiaohui's attitude so much.

Could it be that Xiaohui is not at home during this time, you already have someone else? "

"Grandma Sigu, I respect you as an elder, but I didn't give you a chance to slander me!"

Ningxia kept a cold face, these words not only insulted her, but also insulted Ah Hui.

But in the eyes of the fourth aunt's grandma, her appearance was a guilty conscience, so she jumped up immediately.

"Okay, Ningxia, let me tell you how you became the little boss of Baiwei, you wouldn't have an affair with the boss of Baiwei!

Do you know that you are not a woman?If you do this in ancient times, you will be soaked in a pig cage! "

Ning Xia didn't want to talk to this irrational person, so she got up and called Ren Hui next door.

"Ah Hui, let's go back."

"Okay." Ren Hui didn't ask any further questions, but directly took Ning Xia's hand and walked outside.

Fourth Aunt's grandmother immediately chased after her, "Xiaohui, don't be fooled by your wife. Your wife is not a woman, and there are people outside."

"You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. My wife is not such a person. The fourth aunt takes back what you just said, otherwise none of our relatives will have to do it!"

Ren Hui's face was cold, and his handsome face was stained with anger.

He said what a wonderful person her daughter-in-law is, but he was pissed off by this ignorant person.

It turns out that this person has spoken too much.

"If you don't arrange a good job for your cousin, it's disobedient to women, then there are too many disobedient women in this world."

Ningxia said in a cold voice, she no longer looked at Fourth Aunt's grandma after speaking, she was just worried that Ah Hui might misunderstand.

Ren Hui's soft eyes fell on Ning Xia, and then he glanced coldly at Fourth Aunt's grandma.

"Grandma Sigu, I really don't know that there is such a fallacy. In the future, if you have anything to do, come to me directly and don't disturb my wife!"

The fourth aunt was taken aback, Ren Hui had already led Ningxia out of the fourth aunt's house.

The anger on Ren Hui's face did not dissipate along the way, he hugged Ning Xia fiercely.

"I'm sorry, Xia Xia, for making you wronged."

If he knew this was the case, he shouldn't have taken her to the fourth aunt's house. He didn't expect the other party to go too far.

Ning Xia patted him on the shoulder lightly, "It's okay, I just went back."

"It's all my fault. I knew she was a wonderful person, so I shouldn't have taken you there."

Ren Hui blamed himself very much. In fact, he also struggled with it. He knew that Xia Xia should not be wronged.

Ning Xia sighed, then straightened the scarf for him, "To be honest, Fourth Aunt's grandma is quite pitiful.

But poor people must have something to hate, her mouth is really bad, I don't like it very much. "

(End of this chapter)

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