Chapter 422
After all, Ren Hui felt sorry for his wife, he sighed helplessly.

"Are you hungry?"

"I'm not hungry!" Just as Ning Xia finished speaking, her stomach made an untimely gurgling sound.

She wanted to cover her face again, she was really ashamed in front of Ah Hui tonight.

"I cooked noodles for you." Ren Hui led her to the kitchen, there was no way, his wife had to suffer by herself.

Looking at the hot noodles on the table, Ning Xia's stomach growled even more happily, and she was not hypocritical.

He quickly ate all the noodles prepared by Ren Hui.

After eating and rinsing her mouth, Ning Xia was completely awake. Looking at the man waiting by the bed, Ning Xia slowly moved over with small steps.

"I heard you have a secret to tell me?" Ren Hui patted the empty seat beside him, and only covered the quilt after Ning Xia sat down.

Ning Xia was embarrassed, thinking of the surprise she was going to give tonight, her eyes rolled.

Originally, he planned to surprise him, but he got drunk and offended her family, Xiao Huihui.

If you continue to surprise him, will he not remember the unhappiness tonight?
She grabbed Ren Hui's arm and whispered in his ear:
"Ah Hui, I've advanced."

In the past few months, she has studied hard, and even took time to practice cooking at night.

In addition, Baiwei and Malatang did well, and her mind reading value increased a lot, so she was promoted naturally.

Ren Hui, who understood the subtext in her words, suddenly brightened his eyes frighteningly, and he bent his lips.

"So, it's finally possible to be a husband."

"Well, yes" that's how it is, before Ning Xia finished speaking, someone has already turned off the light impatiently.

In the space, Xiao Ling wanted to remind Ning Xia, but the picture outside made him quickly shield everything from the outside world.

It's hard for the master to get what he wanted, so it's better not to disturb the master obediently.

Otherwise, the owner will definitely be very angry and very angry if he knows that it is peeping.

The room is warm. [Make up your own brain. 】

The next day Ningxia woke up in a daze, looking at Ren Hui, she gritted her teeth angrily.

She shouldn't have said that thing last night, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it.

Ren Hui looked at his daughter-in-law's gnashing of teeth, and gently stroked her hair.

"Daughter-in-law, are you hungry? Let's go have breakfast."

"Not hungry! Not hungry at all." Ning Xia rolled her eyes speechlessly.

I don't want to talk to him anymore, as expected, a man's mouth is a deceiving ghost!

Ren Hui laughed happily, and the two of them tidied themselves up when the whole space suddenly shook.

[Master, the big gift bag for the male master has been delivered, please check it. 】

"Ah? Where is it?"

Ning Xia was dragged by Ren Hui to run outside with a dazed face. The shaking really made people feel that the space was very unsafe.
[The master will know when he goes outside to take a look, it will definitely be a big surprise. 】

Ning Xia didn't know why and ran outside with Ren Hui, and then ran into the yard, the shaking of the space gradually became much smaller.

Then, under the dumbfounded eyes of Ningxia and Ren Hui, a courtyard exactly the same as Ningxia's courtyard was quickly erected on the opposite side of Ningxia's courtyard.

The two courtyards face each other and are the same size, except that there is a large transparent barrier between the two courtyards.

Ning Xia was stunned, and at the same time felt ecstasy in her heart. She asked in disbelief:
"Xiao Ling, do you mean that the courtyard opposite is a big gift bag for Ah Hui?"

[Yes, what does the master think? 】

Ning Xia didn't answer Xiao Ling's words, but excitedly dragged Ren Hui to the opposite side.

"Ahui, Xiao Ling said that it is a big gift bag for you, let's go and have a look."

Ren Hui nodded excitedly, and Ning Xia found that this yard was the same as his own, with a spring outside.

Pushing open the door and walking in, even the layout was the same as Ningxia's. Ren Hui led Ningxia to the table.

There was a sticky note on the table, just as Ren Hui picked up the sticky note, suddenly a force rushed into his body, and the sticky note turned into powder.

Ning Xia hurriedly supported him, "Ah Hui, how are you doing???"

Ren Hui's face was a little pale, and it took him a while to open his palm, which was the same gardenia as Ningxia's.

It's just that the gardenia in Ren Hui's hand is much smaller.

He patted Ning Xia's hand comfortingly, "Xia Xia, you are my lucky star."

"What's going on?" Ning Xia was actually a little apprehensive, fearing what kind of impact it would have on Ah Hui.

Ren Hui smiled suddenly, "Silly girl, it's a good thing, did you see the gardenia in my palm?
The force just now was an artifact spirit pouring into my sea of ​​consciousness. This is the space left by a medical god.

This God of Medicine has always been obsessed with your God of Cooking, so after his death, he merged the space of God of Medicine into the space of God of Cooking.

Once the descendants of God of Cooking get the space of God of Cooking, the lovers of the descendants of God of Cooking will get the space of God of Medicine. Of course, you and I must truly love each other. "

"Really? Then this big gift bag is really worth it!" Ning Xia's eyes lit up, and then asked in surprise:
"Then can you enter the space by yourself???"

"Yes, no matter where I am in the future, I can enter this yard by myself, and then go to your yard to find you."

Thinking of this, Ren Hui couldn't be happier, no matter where he is in the future, he will be able to see Xia Xia at night!

It is a must-have for couples traveling.

Ning Xia was so happy that she almost jumped up, "Wow, this gift bag is too much for me."

"Come on, let's go to visit." Ren Hui was also very happy, this is really a very magical thing.

He still has a feeling of being stunned by surprise, which always feels a little unreal.

The layout of this courtyard is similar to that in Ningxia, the only difference is that the large kitchen in Ningxia has been replaced by a large pharmacy.

When I opened the big pharmacy, there were many tools and medical books neatly arranged.

"Ah Hui, your medical skills will definitely be very good!"

Ningxia's eyes were curved, she was so happy that she didn't want to!Isn't it more confident to deal with the person behind the scenes in this way?
Ren Hui gently scratched her nose, "It's all thanks to my wife.

Everything about me is given by my daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, everything about me in the future, including me, is yours. "

"Be good, oh, let's go out, or the family will think we've gone somewhere, and we won't get up at this point."

Ning Xia patted her head, she didn't know what time it was until now.

Ren Hui responded with a smile, "Okay, let's go out."

"Wait, let's go out this time separately and try your space." Ningxia touched the gardenia in the palm of her hand happily, but found that she couldn't get out in Ahui's yard.

She quickly ran to her yard, and disappeared in front of Ren Hui in the blink of an eye.

Ren Hui narrowed his eyes nervously, read the words silently, and indeed appeared in the room outside.

"Why couldn't I get out of your yard just now?"

Ning Xia was very puzzled, she had just returned to her yard before going out.

(End of this chapter)

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