425 Divergent
Ning Xia covered her mouth and laughed, "Then you might have misunderstood your brother before.

He has always been like this, but in the past it was more reserved. "

But now after being with her, he completely freed himself and became aboveboard.

Ren Hui gave Ning Xia a thumbs up appreciatively, "It's still your sister-in-law who understands me."

"Brother, sister-in-law, I'm almost out of sight." Ren Yue twitched speechlessly.

This love is so beautiful that she was caught off guard, and she had nothing to say.

"You can do it too." Ning Xia blinked at her, seeing her blushing successfully, and then let her go to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Ren Hui cooked in an orderly manner, Ning Xia was a little surprised.

"It turns out that Ah Hui can cook. It seems that I have a good day today."

"I used to follow the master. The master didn't know how to cook. At least I learned a little bit. The taste is not good, but it can be eaten."

Ren Hui shook his head with a smile, he was still happy when his senior and junior were around.

Once he was alone with his master, he could only do it himself.

Ning Xia leisurely stood beside him, "Then I'll wait to try your handicraft."

No matter what her man cooks, she thinks it's good.

Ren Hui shook his head and laughed, "Of course it's incomparable to what you did, but my daughter-in-law just fed me last night, so I'm naturally responsible for feeding her."

"Ahui, pay attention." Ningxia grabbed him speechlessly, the sister-in-law is still in the living room, this guy really has no scruples in speaking.

Ren Hui pointed to his own face, "Then the daughter-in-law must give some rewards or something."

Ning Xia stood on tiptoe and gave him a quick peck on the face, "Okay, be good!"

"What did Yueyue tell you? She's frowning." Ren Hui also stopped teasing Ningxia.

He knew that if he teased Xia Xia again, Xia Xia would probably be annoyed*-*ashamed*-* angry.

Ningxia smiled mysteriously, "This kind of thing is a girl's secret, of course I can't tell you."

"It has something to do with Li Zhen?" Ren Hui didn't even raise his head, but Li Zhen was the only one who could make his sister look distressed.

Ning Xia walked out of the kitchen with her hands behind her back, and turned her head to Ren Hui and said mysteriously, "The secret must not be revealed."

Just after they walked out of the kitchen, they heard Li Zhen knocking on their door, and then Ren Yue walked in with a smiling Li Zhen.

"Li Zhen, have you eaten yet? We are planning to eat."

Ningxia glanced meaningfully at the two people who had a delicate atmosphere, and Li Zhen said very politely:
"Not yet, don't mind adding me a pair of chopsticks."

"I mind." Ren Hui waved his chopsticks with a calm expression, this made Ren Yue anxious.

"Brother, although the dishes you cook are not very good, Brother Zhen can't eat much, so don't put on a face."

"Pfft." Ning Xia almost couldn't hold back her laughter, Ren Hui made her a bowl of soup.

"Xia Xia, drink more soup and make up for it."

Ning Xia's smile immediately froze on her face, forgive her for almost being wrong.

Li Zhen was very happy about Ren Yue's disagreement, and he sat down and added more food to her.

"Yueyue, don't patronize your brother and sister-in-law, you should eat more."

"Brother Zhen, I'm actually not very hungry. This is not a meal at all. I have already eaten at noon."

Ren Yue just sat down and tasted the food made by his elder brother, if he was really hungry.

Of course Li Zhen is the same, the reason why he eats is just to be able to accompany this silly girl.

He is not the only one who does not want to drink, but also Ren Hui. He just wanted to observe Li Zhen, otherwise he would not have kept him.

(End of this chapter)

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