Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 429 Preemptive Strike

Chapter 429 Preemptive Strike
"This is the space of the God of Medicine. My pharmacy should be as magical as your kitchen. I didn't expect it to be so."

Ren Hui found a clean jade bottle from the medicine cabinet, and poured those pills into the jade bottle.

He also discovered this fact by accident, which shocked his three views.

Ningxia looked at Ren Hui with piercing eyes, she thought that the pig's head noodles she made were already pretty good.

Unexpectedly, Ah Hui's God of Medicine space is even more magical.

Presumably guessing what Ning Xia was thinking, Ren Hui raised his hand to brush away the broken hair around her cochlea.

"Xia Xia, although the medicinal materials on the medicine cabinet in this pharmacy are not complete, there are many types. I will go to the mountains to find some that are not available here and plant them in the yard."

"Well, that's a good idea. I'll go with you when the time comes." Ning Xia was delighted. In this way, no matter how powerful the people behind them were, she and A Hui would have some trump cards.

Although Ren Hui somewhat disapproved of her following him, but now that there is space, everything is more convenient.

He sighed and said: "I always thought that marrying Xia Xia was already my blessing, but I didn't expect Xia Xia to bring me so many blessings."

"That's right, marrying me is your greatest blessing." Ning Xia raised her eyebrows. It's her blessing to marry him.

Ren Hui raised his hand and scratched the bridge of her nose, "Yes, what Xia Xia said is correct, but I always remember what the master said, everything has a cause and effect.

Therefore, we have such blessings, so we must do more good deeds, which can be regarded as accumulating blessings for us. "

He was very worried, these were all brought to him by Xia Xia, and he was particularly worried that one day these blessings would shorten Xia Xia's life.

Now it seems that doing more good deeds can be regarded as accumulating virtue for Xia Xia.

Ningxia recognized this very much, "Okay, this is not a failure of the master's teaching to us, and I will follow you to treat illnesses and save lives from now on."

"Then you just need to be responsible for feeding me, and leave the healing and saving lives to me."

Ren Hui hooked his lips, and his eyes fell directly on Ning Xia's jade-like face.

"Okay, then I'll cook something delicious for you."

Ning Xia somehow felt that his tone was a bit weird, maybe he thought too dirty.

Little did he know that a certain person thought so himself, he nodded secretly.

"That's a deal. Speaking of which, after the college entrance examination, you don't have to be too busy studying. I'll take you to the provincial capital."

"What are you doing in the provincial capital?" Ning Xia subconsciously wanted to escape, but she had already guessed what Ren Hui would say.

Ren Hui held her hand gently, "Xia Xia, you should face it.

And we have to strike first. If you wait for the day when the other party finds you, you will be passive. "

"You're right, let's go to the provincial capital. I just happen to be on vacation, so I can relax myself."

Ning Xia's brows relaxed, she thought of the person who harmed her and A Hui behind her back in her previous life.

Is it possible that those people are related to her life experience, then she can't escape.

"Well, let's stay in the space at night from now on, so no matter where we stay, we can always see each other at night."

Ren Hui took Ning Xia to the courtyard of God of Cooking, where there was a kitchen suitable for them to live in.

And his courtyard of the God of Medicine is more suitable as a backup, and also suitable for learning and practicing medicine.

Ning Xia nodded slightly, noncommittal to his proposal, this sounds really good.

The two of them went back to the house where Ning Xia stayed before, picked some vegetables from the yard, and Ning Xia and Ren Hui had dinner together.

(End of this chapter)

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