Chapter 431

But the child pouted reluctantly, "No, I want to eat jerky, I don't want to eat steamed buns!!!"

Ning Xia and Ren Hui looked at each other, they never expected to meet such a bully as soon as they went out.

Granny in gray took a look at Ning Xia and Ren Yue, "Girl, look, my grandson wants to eat your jerky. You are all grown-ups, can you give it to my grandson?"

"I want jerky, give it to me quickly!" The child stretched out his hand before Ning Xia could answer, and then salivated at the things in Ning Xia and Ren Hui's hands.

Ren Hui guarded Ningxia behind him. If it was normal, maybe they would give some food to the children.

But what the child and grandma said made Ningxia really displeased, she raised her eyebrows.

"I know this kid is young, but it's none of my business, we are not relatives, why should we give him our lunch?"

"You are so big, you can't starve to death without eating, you are really stingy."

The old woman curled her lips in dissatisfaction, and then handed the buns in her hand to the child.

"Little treasure, let's eat steamed buns."

"No! No, I want jerky!" The child slammed the steamed buns off his grandma's hand.

Then he glared at Ning Xia viciously, "Give me the jerky, or I'll let Grandpa and Dad beat you to death!"

"Girl, my little treasure is too young and ignorant, and has a bit of a temper, otherwise give your jerky to our little treasure?"

Looking at the jerky in Ningxia's hand, the old grandma couldn't help swallowing.

This jerky looks really delicious, no wonder my grandson wants to eat it so much.

Ningxia twitched her lips speechlessly, she really met a pair of wonderful grandparents.

She was about to turn back when Ren Hui patted her arm.

Then he looked at the grandparents and grandchildren solemnly, "I don't want to give it!"

"Grandma, I want to eat, I want to eat, quickly grab it for me!"

The child started to roll around, making a lot of noise and attracting many people's attention.

"Girl, or you can give this kid a piece of jerky."

"Yeah, this kid is making a lot of noise and disturbing me to sleep."

"It's just a piece of jerky, just give it."

"This girl is too petty, it's just a piece of dried meat."

"Don't say that, it's because the kid is too arrogant, it's normal not to give your own things."

"But if you give me a piece of jerky, there will be no trouble. It would be nice to let things go."

Immediately, people looked over one after another, Ren Hui turned cold, and then looked at the uncle on the top bunk.

"Master, the kid has no water to drink, give him your glass.

And this eldest sister, why don't you give me some money? "

"How can this work, I just have a water glass, what should I drink for him?"

"That's right, I only have this little money, and I can't give it to others."

"Your own things know how to say that, and it is right for us not to do so."

Ning Xia snorted coldly, these people really don't feel pain in their backs when they stand and talk, such people are really annoying.

After speaking, Ningxia took another look at the child who was glaring at her, and said to the grandmother:

"And this one, your own child, we don't care how you spoil him, but we outsiders won't spoil him like this!"

"How do you talk, girl? Can you control me if I spoil my grandson?"

When the old lady heard that Ning Xia said something wrong with them, she immediately glared at Ning Xia angrily, and while she was talking, she also glared at Ren Hui.

As for the others, they had already shut their mouths just now, and it was better not to worry about things that had nothing to do with them.

(End of this chapter)

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