Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 538 Even if I Marry Eri

Chapter 538 Even if I Marry Eri
Ningxia rolled her eyes indecently, "Don't pretend to be a mother and daughter in front of me, I feel sick, oh, if you don't go there, your Xuanxuan will really be beaten."

Ning Xia kindly reminded her, because Jiang Li couldn't help but want to hit someone.

Since Ning Xuan couldn't speak, she kept staring at Jiang Li angrily, and then looked at Ding Tao pitifully.

Let alone Jiang Li, Ren Hui and Ding Tao, who are men, feel speechless.

Jiang Li's raised slap was caught by Ji Qing before it fell.

"Miss Jiang, this is my Ning family's territory, you must make a move here!"

"That's right, I'm not a good person after all." Jiang Li just wanted to provoke the other party so that he could have a good time.

This time without Ning Xuan's words, Ji Qing called out several big men in the family.

Looking at her figure, Jiang Li knew that she was definitely the one who attacked her, so she slapped Ning Xuan on the face.

"Still saying it wasn't you, isn't that self-inflicted, little bitch!"

This slap stunned Ning Xuan, she covered her face and looked at Jiang Li in disbelief.

How dare she hit her! ? ?This is the territory of the Ning family!

Ji Qing screamed directly, "Ah!!! Hit me, you hit me!"

After speaking, she hurriedly ran to Ning Xuan, touching her face in distress.

"Xuanxuan, how are you? Are you okay?"

Ning Xuan shook her head, not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs.

Mom called out people, isn't she throwing herself into a trap.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Ding Tao is a big man who is as powerful as a poor man, so he just threw one with one hand.

Before, he was scruples about Jiangli, but this time he doesn't have to be so scruples.

Jiang Li folded her hands leisurely and asked Ning Xia in a low voice.

"Ningxia, is this guy really your relative?"

She looked at Ji Qing and Ning Xuan, they were completely different from Ning Xia, okay?

"I never said I had such stupid relatives."

Ning Xia spread her hands helplessly, she didn't know why people who were related to her by blood would be so stupid.

Fortunately, she has nothing to do with them in the future, and Jiang Li was relieved when she heard this.

"That's good, then I don't need to look at your face and soften your heart when I bully them."

"No, my face is not so worthless." Ning Xia hurriedly shook her head, who told them to seek death by themselves and dare to bully Jiang Li.

No matter how Jiang Li retaliated and went back, Ning Xia planned to ignore it.

The scene was a bit chaotic, Ding Tao was able to deal with several people alone, but Ji Qing and Ning Xuan's mother and daughter's faces were not good-looking.

Especially Ning Xuan, seeing Ding Tao's mighty and tall appearance, her heart beat like thunder.

She always thought that Ding Tao only had a good family background, but she didn't expect that Ding Tao was also so skilled, which almost met her criteria for choosing a mate.

Looking at Ning Xuan's nympho look, Jiang Li couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Yo, you're still being nympho to your brother Tao. Let me tell you, even if your brother Tao married me, he wouldn't want you!"

"Yes, even if I marry Jiangli, I won't want you!"

Ding Tao glared at Ning Xuan domineeringly, but why did Jiang Li feel that there was something wrong with this remark.

But this is what she said, and she can only pretend that nothing happened.

On the contrary, Ning Xuan was very angry, brother Tao really liked this bitch in front of him!
No wonder this woman is confident, she will make this woman regret it sooner or later, and Brother Tao, it can only be hers! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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