Chapter 556 Fiance

"It's really enviable, a family of college students."

"No, it's just the child in our family who has a headache when he mentions reading."

Ren Rong smiled modestly, "We didn't teach much, the main reason is that children are eager to learn.

They are learning when others are playing, so it is the result of their own efforts.

Come on, let's stop talking nonsense, eat as much as you want today, cheers! "

"Cheers, cheers! In the future, our children will learn from your children."


Everyone chatted lively. These days, technical secondary school students are very good, let alone college students.

In the past, those who were dissatisfied with Zhang Fang did not dare to speak up, but now they dare not offend Ren's family.

Looking at this scene, Juanzi was very passionate, if she married such a person.

In the future, my own children will benefit a lot.

Don't say anything else, the girl has a lot of face when she gets married, so she winked at He Bin beside her.

He Bin immediately walked towards Ren Yue with his wine glass in hand. Ren Yue and Ning Xia were surrounded by a group of boys and girls.

"Ningxia, why are you so good at studying? I heard that you got the first place in the class this time?"

"Sister Yue, do you have any good ways to study? My math grades are terrible."

"Yeah, my English is not good either."

"Sister Ningxia, can I ask you a question in the future?"

"In the future, I will also be admitted to a good university!!!"

"Me too, I want to be as good as Sister Yue!!!"

"But my grades are so poor, I'm sure I won't be able to get into a good university."


"Don't worry, all of you, talk one by one."

Ren Yue is very good-tempered, looking at these children who are younger than her very gentle.

Ning Xia just stood there and smiled, mainly because she was not very familiar with those people.

After Ren Yue finished talking with them, the crowd dispersed. Ning Xia couldn't help laughing and said:

"You are quite suitable to be a teacher, so gentle."

"I don't want to be a teacher, I like to draw." Ren Yue pursed her lips and chuckled, and He Bin had already walked over with a glass of wine.

"Sister Yueyue, congratulations on your admission to university."

"Don't call me sister, it's better to call me by my name directly, thank you for your blessing."

I don't know if it was because of Ningxia's reminder, but Ren Yue always felt that He Bin was a bit hypocritical.

They don't know each other well, and what kind of sister are they called, which sounds weird.

The smile on He Bin's face froze, "That's what I called you when I was young."

"That's because I was ignorant when I was young, and we had fewer opportunities to play together when we were young."

Ren Yue smiled calmly. When she was a child, she was not very willing to play with her.

After all, he is a child in the town, and he doesn't like children playing in the mud in the country.

Occasionally coming to Juanzi's house also dislikes the countryside.

"Do you have to care about so much?" He Bin couldn't hold on to his smile, he was not gentle in nature, and he could be so gentle to Ren Yue.

It's already the limit, but Ren Yue's attitude is really bad.

"Of course, what if we let others misunderstand our Yueyue?"

Li Zhen walked over with a wine glass, and then stood domineeringly beside Ren Yue, not to declare his sovereignty too obvious.

He Bin lowered his eyes to hide the anger in his eyes, "Then Ren Yue, I congratulate you, you have been admitted to university!"

"Thank you!" Li Zhen clinked glasses instead of Ren Yue, "Yueyue can't drink, my fiancé drank instead of her."

"Fiancé?" He Bin's voice was stunned. Didn't he just say that he was his girlfriend?How did you become your fiancé again in the blink of an eye?
(End of this chapter)

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