Chapter 566
"No way, my wife is capable. If I'm too bad, I don't even feel worthy of you."

Ren Hui was joking, and he was already flipping the barbecue with his hands consciously.

Seeing his man's skinny appearance, Ning Xia couldn't help but chuckle.

"I'm afraid that you are so good that I'm not good enough for you."

"I won't tease you, but I always feel that there will never be a match between me and you. We are the most suitable."

Ren Hui's deep eyes fell on her smiling face, he and Xia Xia are the most suitable couple.

The two of them were wearing coarse linen clothes, sitting in this secluded mountain, feeling indescribably comfortable.

Ningxia was full and lay on the stone, the shade of the tree blocked the sun, and the slightest cool breeze hit her, and she gradually felt sleepy.

And Ren Hui was sitting next to her, fanning her with a fan made of big leaves from time to time.

After Xiaoxi woke up, Ningxia opened her eyes and saw Ren Hui's careful look, her heart moved slightly.

"Ahui, when we are old, we will find a mountain like this, build a small house, eat authentic food every day, and live a very primitive life, what do you think?"

"Of course, I really want to live this kind of life like a fairy couple with you."

Ren Hui was lying beside Ningxia, looking up at the dense forest above, just thinking about it felt very beautiful.

"Let's go, let's go to the space to plant the medicine we just picked."

Ning Xia got up and patted the clothes on her body, brushing off the dust on her body.

As soon as Ren Hui grabbed her, the two of them appeared in Ren Hui's yard.

The yard is actually not big, but like the yard in Ningxia, as long as one thing is planted, it can be inexhaustible.

When a medicinal herb is picked, a new medicinal herb will grow in the same place.

So when Ning Xia and Ren Hui collected herbs, they strived to collect every kind of medicinal material, but they only planted rare medicinal materials, and only one of each medicinal material.

After sorting out the extra medicinal materials, Ren Hui put them in the pharmacy, planning to prepare them one by one when he went home.

The two of them didn't have many achievements this morning, only a few rare medicinal materials, so Ning Xia and Ren Hui quickly found space again.

It was still quiet in the woods, Ningxia couldn't help picking some mushrooms, but of course she threw them all into the space.

Wild mushroom stewed chicken is really delicious, and Ningxia is a bit greedy.

She and Ren Hui in this Nuoda mountain can be said to be letting themselves go.

"Wait, Ah Hui, ginseng, ginseng!!!"

He had heard that Baishan had ginseng for a long time, but Ningxia never thought that he and Ahui would be so lucky.

Ren Hui was also very happy. He took out a red string and tied it to the branches and leaves of ginseng, and then carefully dug up the soil with his fingers for fear of damaging the ginseng.

"50-year-old ginseng is also good!"

The corners of Ren Hui's lips raised slightly, completely ignoring the mud on his hands.

Ningxia grinned, "That's great, I think we are very lucky, let's take it in and plant it."

"Don't worry, there are a lot of Baishan ginseng. I have picked ginseng for a hundred years before, so don't rush to plant this ginseng. If you want to plant it, plant it with a high age."

Ren Hui slightly curled his lips, the yard is so big, it's not suitable to plant small ones, so I'll keep the small ones first, and I can make soup for Xia Xia.

As he spoke, he threw the ginseng in his hand into the space, and then covered the place where the ginseng was dug with soil.

Reverted to the way it was before, the movements are very familiar.

Ningxia twitched her lips speechlessly, but she didn't refute. After all, Ah Hui is indeed more experienced than her in this area.

There are still traces of human habitation on the outside of the mountain, but the further inside, Ningxia feels that no one has set foot there.

(End of this chapter)

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