Chapter 571 Tempest
Mo Chen frowned slightly, "The lady said that this herb is time-effective.

After some time, your face will probably recover. "

"Yes, cousin, don't worry, let's wait."

Ji Xinya patted Ning Xuan's shoulder reassuringly, and Ning Xuan gradually calmed down.

"Then I'll wait."

Ning Xia, who saw their intention clearly over there, couldn't help curling her lips.

"Ning Xuan is really stupid. Her two teammates don't really care about her at all."

She thought that people really cared about her, but it was none of her business.

"We don't bother to care about her, she just suffers on her own."

Ren Hui himself doesn't like Ning Xuan very much, after all, Ning Xuan has always targeted his daughter-in-law.

The two of them were just joking, and normal people would not believe it, but Ning Xuan and the others believed that there was such a medicine.

It's really ridiculous!
Simply Ningxia was also happy to see Ning Xuan with a pig's face, so she didn't kindly remind her.

But Ning Xuan was still a little suspicious in her heart, so they kept a distance from Ning Xia all the way.

This made Ning Xia a little annoyed, "Oh, they are so close, it's hard for us to enter the space to rest."

"It's okay, let's take it as a real picnic outside."

Ren Hui's mentality is very good. In fact, it is a very happy thing to be with his wife while ignoring Ning Xuan and the other annoying people.

As soon as I thought about it, the sky suddenly darkened. The woods in the daytime looked gloomy at this moment.

Ning Xia looked up at the sky, and said in a heavy tone, "No, it's going to rain!"

"Come on, let's go look ahead and see if there is any shelter from the rain."

Ren Hui grabbed Ning Xia, the sky was very gloomy, and he reckoned that it wasn't just about to rain.

Instead, there is a chance of heavy rain, possibly even torrential rain.

He dragged Ning Xia and ran all the way forward, what Ning Xia and Ren Hui could see, Ji Xinya and Mo Chen could also see.

A few of them also ran forward quickly, and a few of them ran wildly in the woods.

In fact, Ningxia and Ren Yue were not wrong in their predictions, and soon the sky began to rain lightly.

"We have to find a foothold quickly, or it will be bad if there is thunder."

Ren Hui looked serious, and was already planning to get rid of those people and bring Ning Xia into the space.

Maybe God was helping them too, soon Ning Xia and Ren Hui saw a cave ahead.

Ren Hui led Ningxia over carefully, the inside was empty, there was nothing, maybe it was a place where someone hunted and rested here before.

"Let's go in and hide from the rain." Ning Xia grabbed Ren Hui, and they even saw some dry branches in the cave.

Ren Hui immediately took out a towel from the back basket and handed it to Ning Xia, "Daughter-in-law, wipe it off quickly, I'll light the fire."

Knowing that Ning Xuan and the others would come soon, Ren Hui kept calling her daughter-in-law here.

Ning Xia wiped her damp hair obediently, and then wiped it for Ren Hui.

When Ning Xuan and the others found him, Ren Hui had already lit a fire, and the two of them were sitting by the fire roasting some wet clothes.

It was already about to enter autumn, but now it was raining heavily again, and it was still a little cold.

But everyone knew that Ning Xuan and Ning Xia had conflicts, so they didn't say anything, just sat silently on the other side of the cave.

What Ren Hui had predicted was right, and soon it began to rain heavily outside.

Ningxia could even hear the wind beating the branches of trees outside, and the storm hit in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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